Watch Dogs 2 PS4 - $44
Watch Dogs 2 XB1 - $44
Ghost Recon PS4 - $44
Ghost Recon XB1 - $44
Watch Dogs 2 or Ghost Recon Was $69 - Now $44 each @ Target

AssociatedLCherrylady66 on 29/08/2017 - 15:34 (143 clicks)
Last edited 29/08/2017 - 15:52
Last edited 29/08/2017 - 15:52
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Thanks for the feed back.
yep, it's each at $44 lol.
I really enjoyed Ghost Recon - especially if you have a mate or two or three to play with.
Free Express Delivery only applies to clothing.
Was confused expecting WD2+GR to be $44 total.
wouldnt consider a bargain but i can recommend watch dogs 2 as a game
I'm pretty sure I paid that price on boxing day soon after it was released. 8 months later, you think it would have dropped a bit.
Ghost Recon was $39 at JBHF a couple of weeks ago.
You might want to change the heading to each. It is not so much of a deal if you don't get both for $44.
Also that it is XB1 and PS4 only.