Noob Question - New Deals vs. Front Page

This is a n00bly question on three fronts. It's my first forum post, the question itself iss n00blish, and I wasn't sure which forum was most appropriate to post it… so now that your hopes of a literary masterpiece are dashed beyond salvage, here goes.

——> How does a deal get from the new deals page to the front page, and under what criteria?

Alas, I searched the FAQs and forums to no avail. What assistance couldst thou render this lost soul?


  • I think it needs to have 10 more positive votes than negative. If there are no negative votes, then it needs at least 10 positive ones.

  • ah, thanks!

    • All new deals autoimatically go to the top of the front page, as it is ordered by date by default

      to see this for yourself check the new deals on the right hand side of the window below top deals, they are in the same order as what is listed on the new deals

  • +1

    Actually 15 is the default number at the moment, I think. But you can set that number yourself if you edit your preference.

    • Yep, that's correct. You can change the preference from -100 to 30 althought I wouldn't recommend putting it on -100. ;)

      Should add this into the wiki.

      • Yes -100 is mainly for the moderators to still see the deals that got voted into oblivion…

    • I didn't see that option but have now found it at[user number]/edit/preference

      It is indeed 15 by default and yes to the mods, this should be on the wiki! Thanks all!

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