How strictly enforced are the Yellow Fever and Malaria Vaccinations for a South America visit?

I'm taking a short travel to South America.

Read somewhere that Compliance suggests if I'm returning to OZ before six days after the last day in South America, then I'm mandated Yellow Fever vaccinations before I start travel from Oz. Something on the same lines about Malaria too (?)

Is this so? Enforced to the extend that Ill be put into a quarantine once back in Oz? Or maybe not even allowed onto the return flight from the South American airport lest I produce vaccination proof?

The OZBargain question: Where to find the cheapest vaccinations on Yellow Fever and Malaria in SA?

And, to find a good Travel insurance deal, would you go to Moneysmart? But even better, what's your bargain TravelInsurance suggestion?

Good folks experienced; please advice
As always, deeply appreciate all comments.

Thx in advance!


  • +5

    How strictly enforced are the Yellow Fever and Malaria Vaccinations

    both are nasty, but preventable. why risk it by not getting vaccinated?

  • -8

    Agree; and thankswhooah1979

    I've made a large portion of my life in the swealtering tropics.
    I'd been exposed nasty; shit might be still in blood. So not worried health-wise.
    Regular urban healthy need get a bit shit in their blood; so called vaccines for immunity. And It works for them… etc.

    For the sake of compliance:

    1) Do I really need to?
    2) Any good/cheap places for the (if-required) shots?

    • +1

      1) Do I really need to?

      you don't have to when entering australia, but you should consider getting it for your family, friends and the community's safety.

      2) Any good/cheap places for the (if-required) shots?

      South Australia
      Communicable Disease Control Branch
      Department of Health
      Phone: 1300 232 272
      SA Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres

  • +1

    I came back from Peru last August

    Wasn't asked for anything boarding the flight, but returning to Australia i tried to go through Smartgate and got redirected to a real person who asked to see the vaccination card. No idea of the consequence if i hadn't had it.

    • -1

      Exactly what I was inquisitive on!

      Peru too.

      OK; so… what if landed back in Oz sans pre-travel vaccination papers?

      And meanwhile toniyellow 3, would you tell about peru?
      I'm onto

  • You don't need the yellow fever vaccine to re-enter Australia. However, Brazil won't let you in without it. Read it from the government itself:…

    I went to Brazil after Argentina so simply got a free injection in Buenos Aires (see your options here:…). I got my visa to Brazil in Iguazu Falls, Argentina. You'll need 10 days between your vaccine and entry to an affected area. Since the vaccine is believed to give lifelong protection and is believed to be 100% effective it's worth it if going to affected areas even if not legally required.

    • +1

      dont know how recent the yellow fever thing is for brazil but i was never asked.

      on return i was asked for it, and had it with me. doc said i didn't need it for cities and tried to talk me out of it, i insisted though because a) i would have to pay AGAIN to see him to get it, and b) it's got a high mortality rate

      lasts for 10 years, then maybe a booster.

      if you don't have it on return customs will just ask you "do you have these symptoms", and hand you a pamphlet. if you do, quarantine for you!

      • Yeah it appears you don't need it to enter Brazil (though highly recommended). My experience was 5 years ago so either the rules to enter have changed, I was worried they would not let me back into Australia or I was being just responsible all along.

        With the exception of French Guiana I guess all the strict countries are in Africa.

  • I've found to be one of the cheapest when I have travelled. Have never claimed though…

  • +3

    I wasn't asked about either vaccination when entering or leaving any countries (Brazil, Peru, Bolivia), but I did transit via the US so that might have had something to do with it. Honestly though why would you risk not getting it, if you can afford a trip over there then you can afford $100 or so worth of vaccinations.

  • Only Yellow Fever could be a requirement to enter a country in South America and Africa (need to check country requirements you are planning to visit). Malaria prophylaxis is up to you, i. e. no legal requirement to have.

  • Last year around the Olympics I visited Santiago chile and Brazil, I had the vaccination prior to going but I was never even asked if I had it on entry or exit to any of the countries including Australia. I am sure I read that it is not compulsory. It is a good idea to get the vaccination because once you have yellow fever, well, the prognosis is not good.

  • It's not that you need the immunisation to go there. It's the coming back to Australia where they always ask for it if youve been to those countries. I go all the time, you will be asked for your yellow card and quarantined. Will also effect transits on your return trip. It's the Australian governments rule not the South Americans
    Just get the immunisation

  • Thanks all!

    Much appreciated… yes; I'm getting my shots.

    Is there a cheap place to get it, or are the rates pretty standard?

  • I returned from Brazil in the past couple of years, no yellow fever shot. They mentioned it at the first part of customs in Australia, wrote something on my card and thought I was going to have a problem though just passed through after that.

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