Shouldn't ATO Collect All The Taxi Driver's Banking Details Like Uber?

Like Uber is sharing the drivers' income details with ATO and preaching them about their tax obligations and their is no way around. However, these cabbies collect their wages in cash from Depots, take cash trips, declare less, add up more expenditures. On the other hand, most of these depots have dodgy accountants working for them who are paid to do tax invasions and make black income white.

Do you guys think, who ever holds a taxi depot and license should be scrutinized by ATO? should we start a petition?

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Australian Taxation Office
Australian Taxation Office


  • +9

    are you a uber driver?

    • yes

      • i drive on some weekends.

      • +7

        So we're only getting one perspective on the topic?

        • -2

          someone i know used to drive a cab. i know some insight.

        • +2

          @twoperspectives: My best mates girlfriend's dad has a mate who knows a guy who has an ex-wife married to a taxi driver and my mate told me he said…

          I thought it was just taxi drivers getting butt hurt over Uber. Seems it flows both ways…

        • +2

          I took a taxi once, and I listen to ray hadley,that makes me an expert on the industry.

  • How do you know so much about taxi depot accounting practices?

    • ex taxi driver I'm guessing :)

    • -4

      I know. Don't ask how.

  • +1

    ATO/Bank details won't show all the 'cash' moving around, as its cash that never hits a bank account!

    Plus as you say, they have dodgy accountants working for them who are paid to do tax invasions and make black income white.

    The best way to clean up the taxis books would be to remove cash payments altogether. But you'll still get drivers hitting up paxs offering a 'cheaper' ride for cash, the same as you get some uber drivers doing it today!

    • "ATO/Bank details won't show all the 'cash' moving around, as its cash that never hits a bank account"

      A cabbie if driving for the depot has to declare any cash transaction to the depot. if they don't, depot guys keep an eye on the taxis KM, gps locations etc. if they see a driver using his cab, they call them and investigate. this is what I have been told.

      • +1

        A cabbie if driving for the depot has to declare any cash transaction to the depot

        hahahahahaha yeah if you believe that, then sure sure. Have you ever wondered why the 'eftpos' machine never works? They'll even offer to take you to a ATM for free. But if you keep saying no money in the bank, only credit. The machine all of a sudden starts working again after a short Mexican stand off.

        There are also other tricks they use, to fleece the meter, but for this to work, they need a certain amount of 'cash' to skim off so it all balances.

        They'll also 'cut deals' at the start. Oh you want to go to xyz, that'll be $80. The meter never gets turned on.

        Source… ex cabbies!

    • +1

      The best way to clean up the taxis books would be to remove cash payments altogether. But you'll still get drivers hitting up paxs offering a 'cheaper' ride for cash, the same as you get some uber drivers doing it today!

      Yes, these uber driver and EX-Cabbies too! I know a few (profanity) asking pax to pay cash money.

  • Considering they have taximeters installed in every single cab, recording every fare, I find it very hard to believe that they can launder money. Taxi depots may have some creative accounting methods but Uber drivers can do that as well.

    • +1

      multiple time I have been asked by taxi drivers (melbourne) if I am interested in paying a agreed amount in cash rather than using the meter. I am quite sure this happens a lot.

      • Surprisingly I haven't though have in other cities, not that I catch taxis anymore. They obviously aren't going to pay tax on that but I think it's also to cut out the taxi owner portion of the fare as well.

      • Even that cash job money goes to the depot sometimes for the owner to take his part.

    • I drive an uber and I was a Job dispatcher long ago working for a cab depot. I know these practices are very common. Look, Uber drivers can not hide whats comming into their accounts however, they can ask pax for cash jobs but remember its very less likely to happen as some of my pax said they will report a driver to uber if they will see this BS.

      • +2
        1. Why you didn't report/start petition when you were working in Cab Depot? That was the best time to report it to ATO.
        2. Looks like you tried the same in Uber but your Uber passengers refused to pay you in cash and now you are jealous with Taxi industry.
        3. No need to start a petition, ATO has all the details of bank accounts in Australia (sometimes overseas accounts as well). When we lodge tax return, bank account details with interest details are already there in the Interest summary section; doesn't matter if you are an Uber driver/Taxi driver/Train driver/Tram driver.
    • yes they have meters, but doesn't mean they use them!

      • +1

        You don't need to pay cash either. One cabby recently brought out his own EFT machine. Said cab owner had made enough money for the night!

  • Why only Taxi? Why not other professions where cash transaction are more common?!…

    • Like restaurant. Op has taxi Uber background thus the topic is around taxi Uber.

      • Or heart surgeons

        • +2

          Cash only heart surgeons? :)

        • @foxmulder: Hell yeah, haven't you ever had heart surgery and the surgeon has taken you aside before the anaesthesia and offered "a bit of a tuck here" or "an extension there" for a couple of hundred?!

        • @altomic: I thought that's for the happy ending? :)

        • @foxmulder: the happy ending is waking up from the anaesthesia.

    • -1

      Start with Taxi because they got a big problem with Uber. let the fight be fare!

  • +6

    So much butt hurt…

    I hear uber has more drivers than riders right now… Must be fun

  • +1

    You should abide by your username - not just half of it.

    • what do you mean? :D

      • +4

        your username is "twoperspectives"… and you've only given yours at the moment.

        (lame joke!)

        • haha.

  • +4

    Start a petition? Like this is some kind of human rights violation.

    Or, I know, If you're doing work and getting paid… PAY YOUR TAXES!

    And that's exactly what part of an accountants job is to do, maximise revenue and minimise tax/expenditure. And I'm pretty sure the ATO already look over taxi company books from time to time. Don't think they are exempt from audits…

    On a side note, WTF is a "tax invasion"?

    • +1

      A typo.

  • UBER is 100% cashless takings. Hence no issue with tax declaration and collection. The tax office already has nearly everyones bank accounts anyway since they mostly pay your refunds via EFT. Thats why you should always elect to get refund via cheque. But even then they can track where thier cheque is deposited if they really want to "check" on you.

  • +3

    In my opinion taxi's won't be around much longer so who really cares. They're over priced, for people who drive all day every day why are they so terrible at it. The cars are dirty and falling apart, the drivers always smell and listen to ethnic music or are talking on the phone the whole trip, you wouldn't even bother complaining because it would be a waste of time.

  • What happens with the income of redundant industries couldn't matter less to me. In a few years driving jobs won't even exist anymore. All of you taxi drivers, couriers, truckies, Ubers, none of you will have work. It will be automated away. Go complain about something that matters.

    • Untill then Buzz off.

      • Sorry I can't offer a shoulder on which to cry. If you envy the taxi drivers' ability to cheat on their taxes, drive a taxi. Be the change you want to see in the world. You can cheat on your taxes too.

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