• expired

Free $50 Credit (25x $2 Vouchers) @ Obike - App Required


Received this code from OBike for doing three rides last week.

See here for details: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/324978

The code looks generic, so I thought id post it here.

Just open the app, open the menu and press on promotions. Type in the code and it will add 25 x $2 vouchers to you account.

Vouchers are valid for use until 12/09/2017

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oBike Australia
oBike Australia

closed Comments

  • -1

    Wont be long before our council bans these… They are dumped everywhere along footpaths.

    Saw one with the wheel kicked in, hanging off the branch of a tree the other day.

    • +13

      The problem is not the bikes it the people who vandalise them and put them in trees

      • -8

        The problem is the Obike model, which allows people to leave them anywhere.

        Obike should be charged with littering

        • +5

          No … it's stupid people. You do not park a bike on a tree !!!

          Obike should not be charged … the people vandalising.
          Come on … common sense!

        • -1


          You do not park a bike on a tree

          but you can park it in the middle of a footpath because it doesn't need to be locked…

        • @jv: No you still don't do this! As said JV … common sense …

        • -2


          No you still don't do this!

          The facts are that most people are doing this…

        • +2

          @jv: No wonder Australia is a nanny state … we don't deserve any better then. It starts with little things like that.

      • -1

        The problem is the model. Bikes shouldn't be able to be left anywhere. I have no doubt this model will be outlawed in time.

        • +1

          I don't think it is the model. I can leave my personal bike where I want. Would I leave it directly on the footpath? No. On a tree? No. In the river. No.

        • +6

          The problem is not the model. The problem are the people. And this clearly shows how rotten our modern society really is.

        • +1


          That's because it's your personal bike.

          Whenever it's someone else's, especially an anonymous corporation, the care factor goes down.

        • -1


          I don't think it is the model. I can leave my personal bike where I want.

          The difference here is that yours would then be stolen and there wouldn't be a safety hazard anymore.

    • -2

      For once JV makes sense and he is belittled. Do people just see JV and smash the neg button?

      Of the dock/dock-less models I would prefer to see the docked used, however not like BNE where previous parking spaces have been taken to make space for probably the worst use of space docks I've seen.

      But yes, the oBike/dock-less model needs to disappear quickly. Woolworths and Coles can be penalised for their trolleys being left about the place, why can't these clowns… who I presume know the location of their bikes by a GPS of some description.

      Would prefer seeing people actually buying bikes and doing their whole trip on a bike. Might help improve the cycling infrastructure and also have the riders of these bikes learn that swerving around along quieter roads and foot paths is dangerous, unfortunately these currently seem to be reserved to idiots who can't ride bikes.

      • JV has made his bed.

  • +1

    Works, thanks OP. I prefer Reddybikes (lighter and three gears) but having a choice is great.

    • -1

      I prefer reddy bikes too since they have more around the CBD and they're also starting to be in the suburbs.
      It's also pretty shit that I have to pay the $69 deposit first to use obike

  • What is the normal cost to use the bikes?

    • +1

      $1.99 per 30 mins

  • +1

    I just entered my code and got valid until 12/09/2017, which is three weeks from now, and overlaps with about a week of the free rides left in August.

    If they're putting a three week expiry on the coupons, I'd recommend NOT using the code until August 31 to get the most out of it.

    • +1

      I entered my code today and the the coupons are valid until 13/09/2017 so your idea seems sounds.

  • If it's dumped in the middle of a footpath and someone trips, who is liable?

    • I'm sure they will sue the council somehow.

    • +2

      The person who tripped

  • I really want to try these while it's free (or before it's restricted). The tightass in me can't imagine myself using it at the current prices. Especially since I'd lose the $2 Opal transfer discount if taking a train afterwards (and for a 31 minute bike ride it will cost me $3.98 vs $3.58 for an 8 kilometre bus ride).

    Just some questions:

    How are they on hills? I've seen quite a few accumulating around Coogee Beach so I assume they're not collecting there because no one has the energy to escape the valley.

    Have many people had problems getting their $69 deposit back?

    I think it's good psychological exercise to have all this pre-landfill on our streets. Maybe it will help people to appreciate all the stuff they buy that takes up personal space or ends up in landfill out of sight and out of mind. You can't come up with a solution until you realise there's a problem. Should population growth continue unabated in 100 years from now people will have to learn to be very good at sharing things and space-saving techniques.

    • +1

      They don't have any gears so uphill can be hard if you are not fit.

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