Easiest Way to Get into Bitcoin and Ethereum and Ripple?

So with all the craze going on is there an easy way to get into ethereum or bitcoin or ripple just say using a debit card no strings attached or does anybody know of any reliable brokers that are handling small transfer and brokering or acting on behalf of say some small individuals that just want to dip their toes a little.

I just want to play around with it and try maybe $100-400 now and maybe another $100-400 down the road later in a couple of months or so.

Coinbase seems the easiest or best way but identification and phone verification annoys me. Well to be honest the identification is ok but the phone sms thing is out of reach for me atm more hassles.

So anyone found any cool undercover or underground or around the loop way to buy some cryptocurrency.. or anybody want to do some investing for me? Btw is this legal let me know if it isn't I have no idea much about capital gains and stuff only that you have to pay tax on stocks and shizz like income.

Thank you for reading and as always good luck and good night.


  • +2

    BTCMarkets is great and verification is pretty straight forward and you dont need to hold up a piece of paper and sign your life away.

    • +1

      Going the BTCMarkets route for now as all they needed was my electoral roll details and Medicare. Drivers license or passport wasn't required.

      • Yeah, Verification was a breeze and you can withdraw instantly, Can't complain. Good luck :)

        • Just need to find another market or exchange for all the other coins and tokens as BTCMarkets only does a handful of the more mainstream ones (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Eth-Classic, Ripple, Bcash)

        • @AlienC: Yeah, that kind of sucks. I use the exodus wallet which lets you exchange your coins for other alt coins right in the wallet itself. Haven't really looked into the fees with that however but i've done it a few times and was pretty darn cool.

  • https://support.coinjar.com/hc/en-us/articles/202909475-Firs…

    sign up, send them id and buy some bitcoin. then send bitcoin to exchange to buy others.

    • I find that coinjar rate is not very competitive in comparison to btcmarket where you are trading with other registered users.

  • +1

    Ripple looks like the newest victim of pump and dump… (similar to ethereum)

    • -1

      Hahahha you're delusional if you think that.

  • coinbase BTC
    move to poloniex or gdax
    buy BTC
    dump when much higher

    i made 3 or so grand a few months ago with ETH

  • Is there a reason to believe that Bitcoin will go up in value indefinitely? As the payoff for mining drops, will miners move on in sufficient numbers to cause transaction speed to degrade so that people using it for actual commerce (not investing / speculating ) will find it less and less viable?

    Genuinely interested in informed opinion.

    • -2

      My instincts tell me it will go as high as $50k usd if not more. My instincts are usually right if not 90/10. Take that as you will. When my instincts are bad I just reverse my ideas and decisions.

    • -1

      Just look at the charts. Bitcoin can drop at any moment or it could keep climbing like it is doing so well currently.

      It's all about the net gain my brother.

      If you want steady solid returns invest in Facebook stocks.

      If you want super slow returns go Google Apple our even Tesla.

      If you want negative returns ie losses go Twitter lul.

      If you want solid returns similar to Facebook go nvidia.

      If you want plateau stock aka doing nothing flat liner stock go AMD.

      If you want more solid stock with good returns go Activision Blizzard.

      I could go on for days like this about countless others but my focus right now this very moment is tech and gaming and mobile and well of course the new dawn of the age of coins.

      There are plenty coming out everyday have fun.

      But if you want to gamble on some mega crazy RNG risers then well cryptocurrency my man and it is the time to see. Well technically it was many months ago and again many years ago but we don't have time machines yet or do we…

      And lastly if you want to suck on my sock then seek some good mental health help.

      Trust your instincts my brother and 1080 no scope it like a bad az ninja.

  • So how many bitcoins do people here hold at any one time? Looking to buy Just the one but at over 5k for one 😕

    • +2

      For me just as much as I can spare atm which is around $100-400 every fortnight give or take a few weeks.

  • I brought Bitcoins from second Life exchange using PayPal then transferred to kraken and brought ripples. The second Life exchange wasn't the greatest

    • How so? High fees? Hard customers/clients?

      • High fees and had to wait 48 hours for my Bitcoin to transfer

  • +2

    Just bought $500 AUD ish worth of Ripple Tokens (XRP) well $500 - BTCMarkets trading fee 0.85% so roughly $494 AUD worth of Ripple Coins at $0.33

    Let's do dis (profanity).

    • what wallet you using?

      • Wallet? BTCMarkets.

    • So, How is it going? Are you still holding?

      • Nah I bailed out before the high. I play the reverse game where I pull out just before rushes lol. Story of my life but I like the low life.

        But if you want a stock tip not crypto find the next robot company that looks like it will breakthrough. That's it for me for now I'm a bit tired lol.

  • Some interesting active discussion on BitCoin: https://news.slashdot.org/story/17/08/23/2023218/heres-why-p…

    • Well that one got me for time.

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