SkySafari 5 is the newest version of the world's best astronomy app!!
If you've used an older version of SkySafari, here's what's new:
1) Complete support for iOS 9 & 10!
2) Support for Apple Watch! Everything you need to know about the Sun, Moon, Planets, and ISS on your wrist.
3) Tonight at a Glance: the location and rise/set times of the Sun, Moon, Planets, and International Space Station in one handy view!
4) Notifications when the ISS and other major satellites will pass overhead, and when the planets rise!
5) Completely new sound effects, and a new look to the sky and horizon. A brighter, more visible Moon. Better transitions between portrait and landscape mode.
On Android here
Thanks to chadiwrx.
Free on Google play store as well Download here