Just fill out the form and you will get a free powered Gatorade. However you will need to have a myspace account for this but don't know why. I just simply made one up.
Free Gatorade
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As long as your postcode is right, choose another state, it should still get there. I've done that on offers when they've left Tassie out.
i used my mates myspace
You have to add "Roger Barnes" as a friend on MySpace in order to qualify.
Also, it's "powDered Gatorade" not "powered". In other words, it's the one where you just get a satchet and you have to add water to it to reconstitute it. They're not sending you a bottle in the mail.
If so here's the URL:
http://collect.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=invite.addfr…Can't see any box to add Roger as a friend or referal
What about people from SA… why can;t we order any. How mean!