EB World Level 5 Has Arrived

I just got my Eb World level V parcel like 5 minutes ago.

You will get 3 bunnies pin (quite heavy)
a … level V gold card, welcome letter and USB video customised with your name.

New Benefit Includes
25% bonus trade credit
10% discount on reboot repairs
20% off threadz eb and zing (not sure what is this)
20 days satisfaction returns
Free ticket to EB Expo….( bummer not this year i guess since its in gold coast)
3 weeks pre order hold
upgrade friend to level 3 for 1 year (o_o)
Exclusive birthday offer (hmmmm I wonder if its better than 50% trade)
Christmas Gift (goody)
Personalised Membership card (yes its gold)

Plus Dedicated customer service strictly for level V members..and the most confusing bit in the letter is the membership and benefits is valid until mid next year.

So whats the total carrots you have collected? mines close to 30K carrots but seen a crazy couple with 120K carrots…the most I ever seen in my life.

FYI: Xbox Scorpio preorder is online (1 per customer)

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia


  • So you're basically saying you have no life?

    • +2

      lol not that type gamer. I don't play MMO or any paid online subscriptions.

      I just collect games but only managed to play like maybe 1% and tested maybe 5% of my collection.

      Yes I seen and know many people who lost their life, job playing MMO like world of warcraft but I don't see I can get hook that badly.

      The worse addiction was probably Final Fantasy Tactics PS1/PSX during high school….thats like 1 month. (The Worst)

      FYI The biggest video game collector guiness world book record is an Australian in QLD i believe.

  • Sweet, I have about 13K, level 4 was 9.5K I think

    • You should get it today or this week I guess.

      • From a quick read it looks like you need 20K ish
        Fingers crossed though
        A mate is buying an xbox next week so ill use my card haah

  • +6

    I rather spend less and buy elseware

    $99.95 for a new release wtf.

    • Strangely….I never bought a new release game from EB Games in my life only their sale items -_-l

      If I really like something I usually ask for price match which EB Games are super cool with it.

      • Even their sale items are cheaper else ware majority of times.

        • +1

          Gaming Retail business is phasing out due to the ease and popularity of online transaction so its just a matter of time you only purchase prepaid credits from these stores.

          Other than that EB Games business is struggling one due to the fact that they are the only gaming company in Australia that still carry a large catalogue of physical games stock when there are other various method of obtaining the games elsewhere (like you say everywhere else can be bought cheaper but they are not a gaming company *besides the online store)

          Its quite hard and dying business.

          I am sure they will be changing the business model quite soon.

        • +1

          Eb games Australia was gamespots most profitable division last year.
          I don't think they are struggling, they have already started to diversify (repairs, collectables etc) and are reaping the rewards.

  • If you have 30k carrots does that mean you have spent $30,000 with EB games?

    • Not Really, as trading games you get double points, buying console you get bonus points and etc…

      Yes I have preorder the xbox scorpio after selling my xboxes.

  • The only valuable benefit listed above is the 20 day return policy.
    Preorder bonuses, trade credit bonuses and small in-store discounts dont negate the flagrant ripoff prices i see every time i walk into a store. I feel genuinely bad for anyone that has spent enough money at EBGames to earn one of these cards.

    • You are correct on some part which the people who spent the money to get one of these cards but if you know what you are doing, its not necessary a loss.

      E.g. The person who I accidentally met with 120k bonus carrots….actually got the points due to EBgames negligence which provided in 70% bonus trade all the time. Its a crazy story and one of the worst ebgames scandal I ever know about it.

      The trade in bonus is actually quite interesting and attractive if you can figure out how to juggle with gumtree.

      My points are 100% legit, mostly through trade in (hardly any losses as far as I can remember via buy and sell.)

      E.g. Buying bulk like $150 ending up with trade in credits like $450 so its quite fun and I have been playing this game since GAME stores died and disappeared in Australia.

  • Hey it's me, Mario. Your friend!

    • +1

      Liar! Your Squarebob Sponge pants!~~….was it the other way round.

  • 4500, almost never buy from EBGames, as I have less time for leisure, and you can find cheaper anywhere else. I also never trade in games, and don't care for all the gaming tat they stock like tee shirts and Funko Pops. I'd never take any advantage of these perks except maybe the 20d returns.

  • Loyalty programs cause you to spend more money than you would if you didn't join.

  • Free ticket to EB Expo

    You could give this away…

    And is one piece worth watching?

    • Hmm not sure how to get the free ticket but will check, if it doesn't have my name. Happy to give to the person who can pick it up in Sydney.

      Onepiece is interesting but its now on episode 770+ approx 256 hours? I been watching it more than 15 years…..I believe its in its final few arcs (will end maybe b4 2020)

      Recommend watching it from the start or there will be a lot of scratching head/huh.

      • Happy to give to the person who can pick it up in Sydney.

        Please let me know if it can be transferred!

        Wow jesus it's not a short show. 300 eps took me about 10 days to watch so that might take me an entire month.

  • How many carrots is level 5? I have 11,900

    • I have 21207 carrots, And haven't got one. Mind you I have heard it depends on how many you got last year. I have been doing a lot more digital purchases and may have only got 1000 or so carrots last year.

  • 25k here, I guess I should update my details as I moved a year ago. Maybe too late though.

  • I have 16k carrots, still Level 4, this is what they told me a few weeks ago:

    "Level 5 members are compiled in a hand-picked, invite-only list from a wide range of top-secret criteria. These customers are not strictly chosen for their carrot balance, they have been pinpointed for being ‘the best of the best’ EB World has to offer."

  • -1

    Do you still have level 5 or did they revoke it?

  • The funny part is that most level 5'ers are probably scalpers.

  • Are you buying the series x later or just keeping the current-gen?
    I don't understand why you got the Scorpio.

    • +2

      This thead is 3 years old lol.

  • If you want a personalized membership card, go get the pension, I heard it's also gold and gets you discounts better then level 5.

    Sadly your reputation would be -5

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