In Target's latest catalogue, they have Uncharted: The Lost Legacy listed for $79, but we've now confirmed that it'll be a special price of $44 on release day.…
In Target's latest catalogue, they have Uncharted: The Lost Legacy listed for $79, but we've now confirmed that it'll be a special price of $44 on release day.…
Screenshot? Says $54.95 (logged in with PS Plus membership)
Nevermind! Just saw this on the product page
If you own the Uncharted 4 Triple Pack Expansion, Uncharted 4 Deluxe Edition or the Explorer’s Pack you’re entitled to download Uncharted: The Lost legacy at no extra cost as soon as it’s available.
Yep, I get it for free as part of the Season Pass too.
Sorry one question, does that mean you don't see the price in the playstation store? It literally says "free"?
Trying to work out if this applies to me…
Season pass costs ?
It's ~$40 now
No, it's still $36. As mentioned in the description the VAT gets removed at checkout
I bought my Final Fantasy XII about a month ago and still waiting for the delivery. How long do you usually wait for delivery from ?
No idea first time ordering from them.
i just bought mine too.. one month wtf??
Does the Target copy include the Jak and Daxter download?
I thought that was only included as part of the pre-ordered copy?
Hmm the push start article linked in the post says its included perhaps it is?
Just pre-order it from EB to get the code and then return the game and buy it here cheaper if you really want it. I pre-ordered it purely for the code.
And why is this downvoted? EB employees? We're perfectly within our rights to do this.
Same here my boy.
I'd keep the game, but tbh Uncharted games are a quick plat-in-a-week-and-never-touch-for-3-or-4-years-until-you're-ready-to-replay job for me, and at that point, I can just pick it up again for like 20 bucks tops if I really want.
Jak on the other hand, (profanity) it, free game's a free game.
I object to pre-order culture, and voting with my wallet hasn't stopped it yet, so (profanity) it, I'll play dirty like they do. (TBH this is a really good preorder deal though)
I'm with you, I can't stand pre-order culture and rarely if ever have I done it. The only times I've done it are if it's like a week or so from coming out and I know it's a popular game that will sell out quickly (Crash N Sane Trilogy), on PSN if it's like a day or two from coming out and I want it ready to play the moment it unlocks (and there's a discount incentive or is cheaper than retail) or in this situation where I just want a free code. EB are scummy as all hell, might as well exploit their loopholes.
I'm still baffled as to why on a bargain site of all places I'm downvoted for advertising a perfectly legal means to get a free game. Not that I really care but I'd be interested to know the state of mind of those that did it? Uncharted fanboys perhaps? I tend to get them pretty riled up on here.
Anyway time to Platinum Jak and Daxter for a third time. I wonder if it's based off of the HD remaster or it's like the other PS2 on PS4 games which would be pretty pointless considering it was a good remaster (the Vita version on the other hand is a (profanity) trainwreck). Looking forward to Jak X actually and I'm wondering why it never got a remaster on PS3. Scared about that memory card glitch screwing up entire PS3s, perhaps? Happened to my PS2 memory card for a few games on it and the autosave glitch forced me to play with the memory card unplugged. That game was around the point Naughty Dog stopped caring about polish in my opinion.
Woo, I'm in.
I don't trust press start. They said target was going to be $69 for Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. Target never ended up stocking it at all.
They only post prices that stores have in their catalogues.
Incorrect. They posted from a tweet
$42 @ BigW
That's their standard price. Apparently $42 in catalogue which starts Wednesday or Thursday.
Did it come with the download for Jax. I just bought from Target and can confirm they have download code. Tried to price match EB but they wouldn't do it with the code
If its $44 and comes Jax at target im going to grab it today. cheers
I got mine from Target and it didn't come with Jax.
That's coz Jax is not a PS4 game ;)
I didn't get Jax either did get a code for "what's New" I used the code but can't find it. Mine was from Target
Walked into EB Games in Greensborough, asked if they'd price match Big W, and without saying anything more I was told it'd be $42!!!
I had Big W's site open on my phone and it said $49. I'm not going to argue with a $7 saving.
so did it include Jak and Daxter code please?
its free on my PSN for some reason.