Hey everyone,
I am a 23 year old post grad student who is near graduation and haven't gotten my licence yet. I never bothered to get one when I was 18 as I had to support a few others financially on a meagre income and couldn't justify spending money on lessons at the time. Lately the not being able to drive is becoming more of a problem, as I am starting to get work etc., its embarrassing to have to depend on someone like a colleague/ your boss for a lift/scheduling things with clients so that public transport is suitable.
While I am much better off financially than I was at 18, I make enough to buy a car but not enough to take a cab everywhere I go, so the logical choice is to learn to drive and get a car. But, herein lies the problem, I seem to be terrified of getting behind the wheel now and there is no reason I should be, I love playing games like Forza motorsport, watch F1 avidly and did a lot of karting when I was a kid, but every time I try and get behind the wheel now, I freeze up. I cancelled my first lesson 10 minutes into it when I was asked to set off slowly around the parking lot and freaked out when I saw another car approaching the lot.
I've tried to think of some reasons why I am terrified and I've come up with what I think is my kryptonite, for me I think it's financial ramifications of hitting someone, I know the instructor (and future me) would be insured but having heard horror stories of people without pestering you to pay more out of pocket etc. and considering I am just starting to rise above financial stuff while not having people that can support me, this is a very real concern, at least in my mind.
I was hoping for some inspiration or advice from people who have had such fears when they first started out (doesn't have to be exactly mine), and how you got over them?
Cheers all and thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
Find somewhere without traffic first. Big open space, no obstacles like an empty Carpark, weekends or nights are good when the place is closed. Practice until you are comfortable handling the car there. Then quiet roads, like an industrial area on a Sunday. You might actually be surprised to find out how well cars can stop and handle in your own space so you can be prepared for the real world.
Despite what all the insurance threads here, most people don't crash. I've been driving for over 20 years and haven't hit anything in about 20years (did have a couple of stupid ones early on) and have only been hit once.
Driving games are not the real world, and do not give you a sense of the physics of the real world. Try to forget anything you aphave learnt there. You have had some time on gokarts as a kid, maybe go and try that again for fun and to get some idea of braking distances and how to work with other vehicles.