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Custom Rubber Stamp - $3.99 [No Quantity Limit] - Free Shipping

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"On sale today we are proud to present with the newly added rubber name stamp. With 7 different colors to choose from and a Heads & Shapes feature to help you design and personalize, at only $3.99 each and free shipping included, don’t miss out on this deal!"

  • No quantity limit.
  • Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers.

Usually $10 each, today only $3.99 USD each (free postage & handling)

(3.99 USD = 4.05 AUD as of 11 October)

make sure you enter coupon at final checkout screen to get discount and free shipping.

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closed Comments

  • And bought :)

  • +1

    Love this special, I've been wanting stamps made for awhile now, just been waiting for the right price to come along :)

    I've ordered:
    * CARD ONLY (for the xmas card envelopes)
    * THIS ITEM BELONGS TO ________ with email address (great for kids property)
    * NAME and ADDRESS stamp

    • What font did you use for the address label?…..There doesn't seem to be a font small enough to allow for 3 lines of text.

      • i used "SNC Script" Size 24
        fitted 3 lines perfectly!

        • Thanks!

  • How do I order a name and address stamp for $3.99?

    • make a custom stamp.

  • +4

    Haha has anybody tried making a stamp purely for competitions? You know those ones, that are like a notepad you fill out with your details and put in a box. Make a stamp with your name and address, and BAM! 1000 entries in half and hour ;)

    • +4

      I tried using a stamp like that on web competitions but my screen got dirty with ink very quickly. lol!

    • +1

      BAM! 1000 entries in half and hour ;)

      And $600 in stamps.

      • not at trade shows where those ballot entry forms are present.

        imagine you won 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize because the barrel was full of your entries.

        epic win use!

  • woohoo…thx OP, got one for the GF
    Came out to AUD$4.16 via paypal today, but hey…it's only 11c.

  • I wanted to make a return address stamp, is this possible? I attempted to make one with just text, but the smallest text size is 22 font which is too big for the stamp?

    • I use genotype RH BRK font with font size 22 which works out ok for 3 lines of text.

      Just bought 3 custom sets of stamps!
      Great for that price!!!

      • Arial will work as long as you max out the size of the text box…. SNC script is the smallest font, you can enlarge that to 24 with 3 lines.

        But yes, as you have noted most won't work with three lines of text, as you can re-size the font smaller than 22 for some reason.

        • If you want to fit more use an image you make in Photoshop/Gimp or other program.

  • +2

    Oh dear, oh dear. Now I need to think of something witty to have on a stamp. This has the potential for awesome.

    • +3

      im gonna order a pwned or fail stamp and use it as often as i can around my house.

      • +1

        Best idea!

      • Awesome, I couldn't think of when I'd need a fail stamp. Except maybe to stamp myself when procrastinating. I ended up getting a "Epic Win!" and a "FTW!"

        • -1

          you need 'epic fail' and 'epic win' stamps. imagine getting back an essay that has 'epic win' stamped on it!

    • +4

      i actually ordered one with <bold>ಠ_ಠ</bold>


  • +1

    I want a 'Find Him And Kill Him' stamp

  • Here are some of mine http://cl.ly/0a28b258e9d0700d7e2c

  • The deal looks great but i have had bad experience with arts cow they screwed me over on their last freebie deal, personalised post it notes if you like them on Facebook, wasted 30 mins creating it,30mins arguing with their "support" over them not honouring it free as advertised as there was a P&H fee and 2 months on still no free post it notepad.

    • Wow that's terrible. I must admit I hated the stamp creator. Hopefully since this is a discount not a freebie they will honor it. I can always charge back if they don't.

    • i got the notepad easily, free (delivered). i think a few people had a problem similar to you, like shipping not being free, but they simply didn't meet the facebook requirements. i guess it's better now that there's no long processes in facebook anymore. their terms and conditions basically say they have the power if there's any problems, everything at their discretion. probably wasted 30mins of your life over a notepad lol.

      • Well actually thats not quite right at all i did meet all their conditions i have over 300 FB friends and I was not the only one on their FB page their were hundreds of people complaining so go ahead throw your $$ away on this scam company who relies on ppl not being bothered to pursue them over $4 when they don't deliver

        • I am more than capable to click "dispute payment" in paypal. Might take me a minute if I take my time.

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