Its like they are Subtly Drawing Attention to Certain Words!
I Just Noticed Most Bargains Are Written Like This

After reading this, for some reason I want to buy some pens.
Off to I go!
Because deal titles are often full of proper nouns. In other words, you should capitalize the names of people, specific places, and things.
We don't capitalize the word "bridge" unless it starts a sentence, but we must capitalize Sydney Harbour Bridge because it is the name of a specific bridge.
Also the system's autosuggestion algorithm will also capitalize any words and brands and nouns that ought to be capitalized, but may also preserve stylised wordmarks.
For example "Adidas" would be changed to "adidas" (all lower case) and mcdonald's would be McDonald's because that's the way the brand name was intended to be used.
Another reason I guess, is we want a standardized form of entry for titles in the database and it makes it easier to read (so yes, drawing attention is the whole point, and this is why deal titles must be made clear and easy to read)Capitalise ;)
I think it's automatically done. It sneaks the capitals in there during the posting process.
Or treating them like headings/titles…odd.
A supervisor can edit your submissions.
I just Noticed that this Notice is not worth Noticing.
Look at Google Ads. It's been found that people respond more to ad titles in titlecase.
That is a PrEposterous statemeNt my good sIr, Shame on you!