New eBay Local classifieds with free listings?

So I was on gumtree and there's a big fat ad there touting that you can list for free on eBay using a new selling format - Local Classifieds with Best Offer.

There's some more info here:

It looks like it's restricted to local pickup and you can't offer postage, and there's still a final value fee if it sells

Thoughts anyone?

It looks to me like eBay's only come up with it so they don't lose too much of their market share to Gumtree…

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  • Hmm, they're not trying to phase out Gumtree & shuffle the business back to ebay so they can finally make something off Gumtree patrons are they? :o

  • i've used this offer twice already. I think its preety good. I usually list my items to see if people are interested and then move it onto an auction if i get good offers. Recently i sold a play set for $190 on auction whereas i got multiple offers of around $120.

  • +1

    ebay purchase gumtree in 2005

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