• expired

$50 Coles Giftcard - Mealpal | $95.88 for 30 Days (12 Meals) / $149.80 for 30 Days (20 Meals) [Sydney CBD]


Re-posting this as the deal has just come back alive, but after a month since the last time it was posted.

Refer a Friend Bonus will be paid for new MealPal customers signed up from 16/8/17 to 21/8/17.
You and your friend will receive your Coles e-gift-card via email within approximately 45 days of your friend signing up. Only applies to new customers joining the 12 or 20 meal plans. New users must sign up with their friend's invite link and complete their first cycle to qualify for the promotion. This offer expires 11:59PM local time on 21/8/17.

Click on one of the referral links below. If the rules from the last time still stand then make sure that the referral url doesn't end in olHSwGgIaghxH44W or KoHjsjBRI0T3aKep. You should see the $50 gift card text as you progress through the process.

Options are:

  • $7.99 per meal on a 12 meal plan for ($95.88) - after factoring in $50 gift card - $3.82 per meal
  • $7.50 per meal on a 20 meal plan for ($149.80) - after factoring in $50 gift card - $4.99 per meal

Referral Links

Referral: random (1)

Referrer gets $10. Referee gets 1 free meal with $4.99 signup fee.

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closed Comments

  • Can one person creat more than one account? Any cancellation fee for this?

    • Probably against T&C, but yes.

      No cancellation fees … but it can be tricky to cancel because you need to wait for your coles card and hope it hasn't automatically renewed.

      Seems like MealPal creates this offer every 30 days (as soon as the people on the previous months' sign up bonus are finishing up). I'm guessing this is because they don't want restaurants to see a dip in the foot traffic they are generating. I guess people creating multiple accounts is just a cost of doing business for them, until they get enough repeat business to be sustainable (or go bust). My money is on them going bust first.

      • However, the account can hold for 1 month. some tricky to handle this.

        • The website says 1 month, but it still lets you select a date 3 months out.

        • +1

          @sp00ker: That's correct. My account is currently on hold for 3 months.

        • @-.-: When the account is on hold, still can get the coles gift card?

        • @Kacey: I presume so, there's nothing which says otherwise, just so long as you keep the account open. All it says is that you have to complete your first meal cycle … so suspend your account once you've finished your 12/20 meals but before the monthly rollover date

  • What time period constitutes 'lunch'?

    • +2

      Collect between: 1130am-230pm. Eat whenever you like.

      • thanks!

  • Looks like MealPal may be coming to Melbourne soon, based on this job advert posted yesterday: https://au.linkedin.com/jobs/view/422018712?trkInfo=searchKe…

  • Sorry I cannot seem to register, it kept failing once I put my credit card details in, and after the third attempt to register, I cannot see the coles offer anymore. Any thought what I might done wrong? Thanks :)

  • Hmmm, so I need to commit to two months to receive the Coles Giftcard?

    "Your eGift voucher will be sent by email at the start of your second monthly cycle. MealPal is a subscription service and will automatically renew for subsequent 30 day cycles. You may cancel at any time."

    Noticed this on the bottom of signup page where you select your plan.

    Edit: Interesting if I use the referral link it states this:

    "E-gift card will be sent at the end of your first cycle. In the U.S. & Canada, tax & fees are additional. In most cases, the rate for tax & fees is the same as the local restaurant meal tax."

  • Hi guys, does anyone know if I can order more than one meal / dish per day? Thanks!

    • +1

      Unfortunately, no you can't.

      • got it! thanks…

  • Just received an email saying they have extended this deal to the 25th.

  • didnt seem to get a referral confirmation this time around; hope its still tracking..? (referred before the deadline two fridays ago)

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