*** the official word is: The product will remain open, there was an apology email sent advising there was a mistake ***
Hi All,
Could this really be the end of one of Ozbargains favourite products?! :O
Basically, i got an email saying that "Transaction and Savings (no longer offered" which then linked me to https://www.citibank.com.au/global_docs/pdf/NotforSaleTermsa…
But I don't see anything on the website, or other coms about it. Anyone else get this?
in my initial email, the header of the document is: Notice of changes to the Transaction and Savings (no longer offered) Terms and Conditions Booklet effective 2 October 2017.
Greenpossum, had a second email with a different T&C's which is: Notice of changes to the Transaction and Savings Accounts Terms and Conditions effective 2 October 2017
The second header is more passive in terms of wording, indicating no new accounts but if you have one it will remain open.
Update 2
Toni Yellow points out that there is a section listing various accounts that will be discontinued, and the Plus account is not one of them.
I got this too but didn't read the PDF. I logged onto my account and it all seemed fine. I swear the first page of my PDF download had effective as of March 2017 not October