Officer Wrote Me an Unjust Ticket, Need Advice

Hey guys, had an unfortunate encounter tonight with a police officer. At this particular traffic light, I am permitted to turn left after stopping. I did so, and ensured there was a safe gap to do the turn. Upon doing the turn, a police officer pulls me over. From his tone, it was obvious he was in a bad mood. I responded with respect, in a tone that was in no way aggressive (in fact, I barely got the opportunity to say anything).

He began with something like "Do you have your licence on you? Do you know what you just did?". At that point in time, I was in shock as I had no idea that I did anything wrong. I'm familiar with this intersection as I frequently travel through this street.

I don't remember how exactly this went down as I was in shock at the time, but I believe the officer claimed that I had run a red light. My friend explained (politely) that we were permitted to turn left carefully upon stopping. The officer however, claimed I did not stop (although I am certain that I did - In fact, there was a car in front of me mid turn, forcing me to stop behind the traffic light to check). The officer proceeded to breath test me and took away my licence. After some time, he returned my licence and as he walked off, he said that I would receive a ticket in my mail.

Is there anything I can do about this? I believe this ticket was unjust, and judging from the officer's tone/attitude, it seemed he was in a bad mood or had a bad day, leading me to believe he abused his power as an officer and wrote me a ticket to let off his frustration. I am currently awaiting the ticket.

I'd appreciate any advice,
Thanks in advance guys.

closed Comments

        • Don't know where you're getting that from.

        • How so? I either came to a complete stop, or I didn't (maybe I was rolling slowly). That I'm unsure of. Where's your conclusive evidence?

        • @Devidz:

          "How so? I either came to a complete stop, or I didn't (maybe I was rolling slowly). That I'm unsure of."

          Close the thread

    • Why were you "in shock"? Why do you keep saying that.

      They might have been tasered.

  • +6

    Video reconstruction of the incident:

    • Seems accurate.

  • -5

    The OP has all but admitted he did not stop. Case closed.
    The copper had to deal with a careless, duplicitous driver who is STILL looking to weasel his way out of paying his 'unjust' ticket.
    A ticket he hasn't even got yet!!

    • -1

      Dunno why you got negged, it's obvious. I guess some people are auto anti-cop.

      • I've been negged a few times on this thread! ;)

        • Careless and duplicitous? Settle down, What a long bow. Did OP kill someone and it hasnt been alluded to?

          I down voted you by the way.

  • Call the police officer in charge, ask for video evidence. All police cars have cameras

    • I'd like to, but I never got the officer's name. I'm waiting to receive the ticket in my mail.

  • +1

    I'm guessing you didn't come to a complete stop.

  • I had a police officer pull me up cause my headlights weren't on (my car had personality issues) and gave me a breath test and was a bit of a prick. I didn't have my P plates on for some reason and I was clearly surprised. He called me several names and said the ticket would come in the mail. It never came.

    I reckon you will be sweet. Instead of admitting he was wrong on the spot, just didn't put the ticket through.

    • Which state are you from?

      • +1

        NSW - happened on the beaches. I was up for a huge fine - two P plates off and he really drilled me on it. Even asked me if I had driven that day and I said yes. That is a trap to see if you have driven without your plates earlier as well. He played me like a fiddle. No fine.

  • +1

    That's why i always have a dash camera in the car.
    U should get 1 too :)

  • Offer him a donut next time.

  • I don't believe the OP came to a complete stop!

    My guess is that he slowed down to maybe 1-2kmph but didn't completely stop! I see it all the time!

    e.g. 99+% of people I see on the roads (Sydney) never stop 3 full seconds at a stop sign! Out of the thousands of people I've witnessed maybe 1-2 people would stop the full 3 seconds.

    The last time I stopped 3 seconds at a stop sign the idiot behind me was yelling at me for stopping too long!

    • +4

      Hmm, were you driving a white camry by any chance?

    • +3

      There's no such thing as the three-second rule. The road rules simply state that you need to come to a complete stop. The three-second rule is just a myth.

  • +2

    In my youth, I was pulled over by a police officer on a motorbike after he saw me speeding. He didn't have a ticket book on him, but he took my details and said I would get a ticket in the mail. It never arrived.

    I was on the freeway a few vehicles ahead of him (I didn't realise he was a police officer as it was dusk/dark) and I sped off as I got free of the jam. He was chasing me from quite a distance back, and when I saw the lights, I actually thought he was chasing someone else as he was so far back. I slowed to the speed limit and realised he wanted to pull me over when he went right up close behind me and flashed his lights.

    I am not sure if this because he couldn't because he didn't know what exact speed I was going (he knew it was faster than a particular speed as his bike was shaking at that speed and he wasn't getting closer to me at the time), or if he wanted to give me a warning/caution/scare to make me drive safer etc.

    So as others have said, don't stress unless the ticket actually arrives.

  • +1

    I dont think you will recieve a ticket, he tried his luck to stick something on you and judging by your response and history he decided not to.

    • Are your seer services for hire?

      • +1

        I am a vegan scientologist.

        • Is that a no?

        • @Mintynovember: depends if you join our free courses

  • is this in Torrs Ave in Baulkham Hills? sounds like the place for cops to pry on

    • Fairfield area. I drive through this intersection daily - it's literally 1 turn away from my street and I rarely ever see cops on this road.

  • Just be glad that he didn't take you off-camera and punch a few holes in you.
    Some dude wasn't as lucky as you….…

  • +1

    Being issued a ticket is not final, when it comes in the mail it will have a section you can fill in to contest the ticket. Don't be shy to question authority (best done by mail when you encounter a tired and angry cop) if left uncheck we are all fubar, and most judges are fairly sane and reasonable people, that's why we appoint them judges.

  • Do you wear a burka or a scarf? that usually explains these attitudes

  • what state are you in? i know in nz you used to be able to turn left after stopping and giving way on a red light but i dont think its allowed any longer. i thought that they changed the road rules in all states in AUS and not permit it any longer? also are you sure you came to a complete stop? many failed their driving test for rolling through stop signs lol.

    • +1

      The sign's still there, definitely permitted. I thought I did at the time but doubted myself a little after the officer said I just sailed through. This was after I explained to him I was able to turn at the red light after stopping - before that he said "what's with the red light?".
      I revisited the intersection and realised stopping at the sign isn't safe enough. Even after stopping at the sign, you'd need to creep forward a little more to be able to check if it's safe to turn.

      • Which would be perfectly legal as long as you came to a complete stop before creeping out of the intersection…

        In fact this used to be the trick at our local main roads, to trip up P platers on their test - the stop sign leaving the carpark was placed too far back to see the road you were trying to enter. The test was whether you'd stop at the stop sign, then creep forward until safe - or if youd creep past the stop sign, and come to a complete stop where you could see out of the intersection. The former was a major error and therefore an instant test fail.

        Ridiculous but kind of understandable given further thought.

  • -1

    Just be a man and pay for it and move on.

    • +1

      What does gender have to do with anything here?

      • Settle down girlfriend.

    • Are you suggesting women don't pay their traffic fines? :D

  • I'm sorry but your sob story has more holes in it than swiss cheese. Twice you embellish that you were in shock!. Shock ……. really, c'mon, if your that much of a lemming then you shouldn't be on the road at all. Oh the injustice of it all, blah, blah, blah. I don't know of any traffic light that allows you to turn if safe when it's red or amber if you can come to a stop. If its a traffic light like you say it is, then it can only be three colours. Some arrows are just either red or green. A Policeman asked you for your licence and breath tested you because you committed an offence, wow …. hold the front page. The only thing lacking is that he didn't ask you questions with a cherry on top. I was half expecting you to crap on about a nanny state and how you pay his wages. If you think your truly innocent disregard the ticket and wait for a court summons and the subsequent hearing. If your proven guilty odds on you don't post an apology.

    • +1

      I think people are focusing on the wrong bit here…I too would also be shocked/surprised if I was pulled over by the police if I felt at the time I did nothing wrong.

      OP cannot change how he felt at the time and has been upfront in saying he is not sure if he came to a complete stop after contributions pointing out the rule to him now.

      Heck, even though I've got no reason to, I get nervous merely driving past an RBT (even when I haven't had a drop to drink) let alone waved in and having to hand my licence and do the test.

      I agree, it's likely the OP didn't come to a complete stop given they didn't even know they had to, but again, at the time he didn't know this and the officer either didn't explain it to him properly or they were too shocked to digest the explanation provided.

      BTW it does exist, at least in NSW.…

      • Actually, I was previously aware that you need to come to a complete stop and I thought I had done so (and so had my mate), but after the officer said that I just "sailed through", I began to doubt myself. When the officer pulled me over, I became really nervous (as with John, I too get nervous even just driving past cops having done nothing wrong) and his aggressive tone didn't help. To add to that, he asked "what's with the red lights?" Like I said, I had red vinyl overlays on my tail lights and was thinking he was referring to that, until my mate explained to him that we were able to turn at that red light upon stopping. Only then did I get a grasp on the situation. Being alleged of doing something wrong and is why I felt confused. "Shock" perhaps isn't the right word, maybe intimidated?

        An officer getting my licence and breath testing me is normal procedure. I didn't make a big deal out of this and as you can see, I did not crap on about being in a "nanny state". I haven't yet received the ticket and if I do, I don't intend to pay it without at least getting it reviewed if that's possible.

    • I don't know of any traffic light that allows you to turn if safe when it's red or amber if you can come to a stop. If its a traffic light like you say it is, then it can only be three colours. Some arrows are just either red or green.

      They definitely do exist.

      • +2

        Man, living in Tassie is like living in a different country. Perhaps they keep the signs and lights uncomplicated down here for us simple folk. I driven & ridden around heaps of Aussie states & never come across one of these. Still doesn't change my stance. Thanks for the clarification though. :)

        • Surprised you have traffic lights down there :p

        • Tasmania has electricity???

  • Report him to the ombudsman, Commissioner of Police and CC to media outlets

  • Don't stress about it until you actually get a ticket.
    Chances are it'll never arrive.

  • Yeh you probably wont ever see this bs ticket.. If you do.. Take it to court, you will win..

  • And this is precisely why I have a front a rear dashcam installed. No faffing about, makes things black and white.

  • Any update on this?

    • My ticket still hasn't come.

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