½ Price Ovaltine Varieties 415gm $2.50 @ Coles not mentioned in TA's post.
½ Price Ovaltine Varieties 415gm $2.50 @ Coles

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is the oval really oval?
Ovaltine was developed in Bern, Switzerland, where it is known by its original name, Ovomaltine (from ovum, Latin for "egg," and malt, which were originally its main ingredients). Ovomaltine was exported to Britain in 1909; a misspelling of the name on the trademark registration application led to the name being shortened to Ovaltine in English-speaking markets.
From Wikipedia
The ovaltine treats in the packets are oval. I think they were sold before the powdered drink additive.
Ovalteenies! Naw. They came well after the drink.
Yes, but what do choice call it? I believe they didn't look at Milo to fondly?
Is this a supliment, a snack, a treat or a waste of time?
Gold, Jerry! Gold!
That quote is the first thing I thought of haha
Which one taste better milo or ovaltine?
I prefer Ovaltine and always have. It tastes more malty and dissolves into milk much better than milo.
dissolves into milk much better than milo
The choc-crunch is the best part!!
This new Ovaltine is better IMO - it's very similar to the Milo I'd get in Canada that was made somewhere in the Caribbean. More malty than Aussie Milo which is closer to Nesquik, more a chocolate drink. They're different drinks really, but if you like malt then Ovaltine will be much stronger, stronger than the old Ovaltine too. It's a bit sweeter though.
Another product that makes a mockery of the health star ratings.
It's pretty misleading because that 4.5 rating is a result of MILK (which is healthy in itself).
If they were rating just the ovaltine by itself, it definitely wouldn't be 4.5 stars!!
Forgive my ignorance, but are you sure? How can they rate a product based on what it's likely to be added to? Maybe I only want to buy it so that I can use it as an ice cream topping. I could be misled into thinking I'd be making the ice cream a healthier meal.
You certainly can do that, if the right disclaimer also appears (or is indicated) near the rating itself.
It's true. This ovaltine has 8.8g of sugar per 20g and wouldn't get 4.5 stars otherwise.
If you eat it with Nutella though it's okay.
yeah but you need to add a few teaspoons of sugar just to sweeten it a little
I don't even look at the health star rating, I look at the actual nutrition information on the back of the packaging to see what's actually in the food. The health star ratings are often wildly misleading.
Yeah, I do the same as you for the same reason. Just thought I'd mention it because I noticed all those stars in the thumbnail pic. I'm also annoyed at the latest effort to label "added sugars" like that even matters. I really don't see the point of it.
If you are an endurance athlete these products are pretty good for training and work as well as more expensive supplements. When mixed with milk it gives a good carb/protein ratio that helps recovery. Great for after a long ride or any other exercise lasting a couple of hours or more.
Apart from that, way too much sugar to be healthy. Approx 40g sugar per 100g of product!!
If you are an endurance athlete these products are pretty good for training
No they aren't.
Work more effectively than supplements lmao.
Maybe read my comment properly and do a little research before you open your mouth. I'm talking about recovery for endurance athletes. Not pumping weights at the gym.
The ideal recovery for endurance athletes is a ratio of around 4:1 carbs protein mix. The idea is to replenish carbs during a short window after exercise when they are taken on board quicker and to supplement with some protein. This is to do more with recovery and repair rather than building muscles.
There are a lot of supplement drinks of this type on the market which sell at high prices. Plenty of research has shown they have no benefit over simply drinking chocolate milks.
It is also only relevant if you are doing extended glycogen depleting exercise and need a quick recovery due to an intensive routine. If you want to pump iron to make your muscles bigger then that is a totally different ballgame.Summarised points:
Chocolate milk is not magic, but research has shown that it performs as well, or better than, specially engineered products that have a similar nutrition profile.
Chocolate milk weighs in at a 1/3 of the cost of most sports products.It was thus concluded that chocolate milk is just as effective, if not more effective, of a recovery drink than specialty sports beverages with an identical nutrition profile.
@slipperypete: Why chocolate milk over milk? Less sugar can reduce inflammation which is important for athletes.
This is the debatable point and one that fluctuates depending on where and what you read.
As I mentioned above, this is mostly for recovery. If you are doing endurance sport or training where you are depleting glycogen stores we have a window where the body absorbs carbs at a significantly higher rate than normal. Again, as with any research, this figure varies, but it seems that there is a window of around 30-60 minutes where the body absorbs carbs much quicker. If you miss this window, it doesn't mean you cannot absorb carbs but you may not be fully replenished within a 24 hour period. If you are doing further endurance exercise within a 24 period, you may find that your glycogen reserves are not fully replenished. It also means you may suffer from greater physical and mental fatigue whilst the body is recharging.
If you just drink milk you are not getting the carb boost which is what this is about. Drinking sugar straight after exercise generally isn't an issue if you are depleted. The idea is for it to be processed and stored in your liver and muscles which takes time. Dunno if you have ever been totally depleted of glycogen during intense and lengthy exercise, it is awful. Once you are depleted, it is really hard to get the energy back as it takes time.
As for the sugar, when I do cross country or enduro mountain bike events I (and most others) will take a measured stream of stuff like gels or sugary drinks to avoid crashing out. Afterwards, the last thing I want to put in my body is more sugar. I get super bloated and turn into a farting machine for hours afterwards.
You are right about sugar I guess, but it is balancing what is gonna help you most and hinder you least.
I'm not saying I'm an expert and there is conflicting evidence but this is how most elite endurance cyclists work
The new ones taste like Baby formula now even worse than Milo
Can't comment, being an adult I do not drink baby formula and can't compare the two.
i think milo better than this, last time i bought from woolworth with this prices, it's taste little sweet…
These barely sell in any of the stores so its not hard to see why its on special.
Maybe one or two sold a week at smaller stores each.Horlicks master race!
Why do they call it Ovaltine? The mug is round. The jar is round. They should call it Roundtine.