Commonwealth Bank Ripoffs

My recent experiences with this bunch of scammers.

  • transfers in from other banks used to be in my account first thing. Now they show up some time in the afternoon.
  • They started charging for posting Statements. My only option is to give them my email address…as if.
  • Tried to close an account. I have to fill in their form or visit a branch. How about a checkbox on your website? But I can be sure they will close it all by themselves once they realise they can't dip into it any day of the week.
  • Not only CBA is respinsible, but sent an invoice for $A800 to USA, and got back a bit over $A700 less than a week later.

God help those of you that have to borrow money off this octopus, and its follow travellers.
And the Government underwrites them?????

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Commonwealth Bank
Commonwealth Bank


  • +5
    • They started charging for posting Statements. My only option is to give them my email address…as if.

    Why would you willingly choose paper statements? Does Ozbargain have a thing against the environment?

    • +1

      I guess he's trying to protect his online privacy? But he could always make a dummy email, and put a forward on it to his main email so his bank never sees it. Way better solutions than paying money for paper.

      • Protecting his privacy, but they will send it to his postal address.

        Which I guess seeing how paranoid he seems is a PO Box. If it isn't then his protesting would be ludicrous.

        • I can kind of understand, people could use your email to find out you might be registered on something like a neo nazi site which would ruin you. Harder to do the same with a physical address.
          But I agree, if you trust your bank with mailing all your personal info to a physical location not trusting them with your email is strange.

    • Sorry, I should have been clearer. Small business. I log on every morning, export transactions and update my books. They have been sending statements for years, which get tossed on a pile. i couldn't see a simple way of stopping them

      • Why not redirect them to [email protected], or set up a free email address with Yahoo or Hotmail, and redirect to your main email?

  • +10

    How's it different from other banks?

    If they don't charge for something that another bank charges for, then they'll just charge you for something else.

    They exist to make a profit so it's their job to take as much money off you as possible and your job to work out the least possible amount you allow them to take!

  • +8
      • Tried to close an account. I have to fill in their form or visit a branch. How about a checkbox on your website?

    Uhm because you would get people that would tick that box "by mistake" and then they will blame the bank for their own error blah blah blah….

    • +1

      A little odd, though - I closed an account with them last year over the phone without issue. Maybe they were lenient cos I basically had a grand total of $100 in the account. Just never used it.

    • They actually have a box for closing your credit card. It only appears when the balance is zero. I did it for the card i got with them for the $250 cash back.
      I assume they would have it for the transaction account.

  • +8

    so how did they scam you?

  • Banks are scum, but they wield the money and money is power.

  • +3

    i keep my money under my bed, its safer.

    • +4

      But the only interest you earn is where do you live?

      • thats all the attention i need.

  • +12


    this post is cancer

    • I was thinking he was saying risible.

  • +6
    • transfers in from other banks used to be in my account first thing. Now they show up some time in the afternoon.

    You can't wait a few hours?

    • They started charging for posting Statements. My only option is to give them my email address…as if.

    So you are happy to give your residential address but not an email address? LOL.

    • Tried to close an account. I have to fill in their form or visit a branch. How about a checkbox on your website? But I can be sure they will close it all by themselves once they realise they can't dip into it any day of the week.

    Can you name another responsible financial services provider that lets you close accounts in a checkbox on their website? I mean do you want to even login first to authenticate yourself?

    • Not only CBA is respinsible, but sent an invoice for $A800 to USA, and got back a bit over $A700 less than a week later.

    Did you read their fees or the costs of the transfer?

    • -3

      Thanks tsunamisurfer, but Para 57 - Foreign Transfers fees and Charges is for idiots. what do you think?

  • +21

    This forum post is a scam and is misleading.

    Advertised as the bank scamming people, but it's just regular business and a whiny customer.

  • +4

    I'm getting images of grandpa Simpson

    • +4

      We can't bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for m'shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we… oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. I didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…

    • Spot on. Is the OP available?

  • +3
    • Always allow 1 full business day for transfers, excluding the day of transfer. If it's faster then good luck. Otherwise don't expect too much.
    • Charging for paper statements is common practice now. Even small businesses are doing it. What's wrong with giving them your email address when they already have your home address?
    • If you don't have to fill in a form and visit the branch to close your account you would be complaining about the opposite.
    • I don't understand this. Care to explain this with more details?
    • Twelve invoices/ payments a year, costing well over $1000, and I accept it's not just the local bank (it's like the old days of international phone roaming charges). i tried getting paid into my personal Credit cards, but they reasonably wouldn't have do that. what are cheaper options?

  • Agree big banks are rip off, make too much profit yet still they lay off people but hey their share prices goes up after.

    Rich become richer.

  • +4

    I actually find CBA's online stuff easier than any other bank - Can open/close, change accounts, etc etc all just through netbank. I haven't had to go into a bank or ring the bank since……….the internet……….Not sure the issue.

  • -2

    Sorry but if you are silly enough to use CBA then you deserve what you get. Same applies for people who use Telstra.
    The 2 worst companies in Australia and possibly the world.

    • +4

      What's wrong with Telstra? Great customer service and wider coverage from my experience. When I visit my mother in law in the country, Telstra is the only network I can get reception from.
      Also, worst companies in the world? You clearly don't get out much.

      • He means Optus.

      • +1

        Agreed. I went back to telstra about 6 years ago after trying out a number of budget carriers. I am always the only person in my family/friends to always have signal, even in the country and I find thier pricing fairly competitive these days. I Have had a couple of small issues but these are sorted out immediately through online chat.

      • -2

        You clearly have not lived in Australia long or have a very short memory if you don't know how f'd up Telstra is. The company should have been out of business years ago but our hapless government keeps propping it up only for it to rip off everyone through ridiculous service charges and terrible service.

        • +3

          If you're getting ripped off by Telstra, you're ozbargaining wrong.

        • I think if you stated what's actually wrong with Telstra or CBA you'll look like less of a hater. Posting generic statements like 'X company is crap. Everyone should know this' doesn't really help.

  • eMail to all McDonalds drive thru stores: Don't park Whitecane.

  • -1

    An article this week says CBA posted a $9.9 billion dollars profit in the last financial year.

    Just to make us mad lol

  • +1

    Admittedly I have mostly had good experiences with Commbank. Such as

    • The refunded interest and a late fee after i explained said that this was the first time i have not paid on time, and understanding they don't have to refund this but it would be good if they could. I worked out to be $150 dollars in interest and late fees.

    • I have also successfully asked them to change the interest rate for a loan because 3 months after applying for it they came out with a discounted rate for new applicants.

    • I have had them respond to suggestion re UI for Netbank by making suggested changes.

    In regards to your points, here is my $0.02 worth.

    • Transfers: In regards to transfers, this may be due to Commbank or it could be due to the bank the funds are coming from. Either way its annoying. Have you written a letter to them. As above they are more than conciliatory if communicated to in a cordial manner. While they may not change it immediately they can and do follow suggestions from customers.
      It also may not matter. I have for a loan with them had them deduct the money from one of my transaction account but the transfer to transaction account had not been made before the deduction had be made. It should have made it negative but wasn't.

    • Closing accounts: With credit cards you can do this. The box only appears when the account has a zero balance.

    • Statements: I wonder what bank does send paper statements for free. That may be cold comfort but it may not be exclusively a Commbank thing. I do struggle to understand why giving your email address is an issue but not your postal address. Even more so if the postal address is also your residential address.

    • I don't fully under re the invoice to USA, can you offer more details

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