Telegram entries mandatory.
- "How can I participate? Very simple, it is enough that you register in this page carrying out the actions that we propose you. The more actions you complete, the more chance you have of winning the prize.
- From which countries can you participate? Anyone from any country in the World. The shipping costs are borne by the organizers of the contest but customs and import costs, if any, will be borne by the winner.
- When will I know if I am the winner? The contest will be active until the scheduled end date. At that time we close the draw and publish the winner's name on our social networks before the next day at 12:00 noon.
- We will contact the winner via email. The winner will have a week to provide the shipping address. In case you do not, we will select a new winner."—Courtesy Google Translate
Used OP's ref.. mine is: