My elderly parents live on the south coast of NSW where their internet access is mostly useless due to ancient phone lines (the NBN might come to town by Christmas 2018). They pay around $40 per month for this abysmal access through their ISP (not that it's the ISP's fault IMO). I was thinking of getting them prepaid access via a USB connected device that I believe is called a dongle. Mobile reception is pretty good where they live.
They only use the internet for emails and very basic web browsing (recipes, news sites, etc) and I'm seeking any recommendations for a good non-ISP option. They hate tablets and smartphones but are reasonably comfortable with their Toshiba laptop that they've had for ages so I'm looking for something that will work with that. Thanks for any advice.
It's actually called a "dong". Ring up and ask for one. haha
If their usage is within a few gigs each month, then the "dong" might be the way to go, as long as there's good reception. Check the coverage maps before purchasing anything. Once you know which company has the best coverage, then you can lay out the options. And avoid postpaid if you can.. because you know… If they're not that tech savvy, you don't want to end up with bill shock!