At the 2 domestic airport terminals in Sydney there are zero facilities 'land side' of security. If they bring in the need for a boarding pass to be able to pass through security, then there will be nowhere for people to wait for visitors, and no facilities (except for toilets). Unlike the international terminal that does have these facilities.
I also think that the businesses at the domestic terminals would suffer.
Surely ID could be checked against boarding pass at boarding gate, and that would satisfy what they are trying to achieve.
I would be interested in hearing other views on this, and about the layout of other capitals' domestic airports.
News, Domestic Airport Security - May Need Boarding Pass

Last edited 05/08/2017 - 20:48
Sydney Domestic and International are seperated by quite a distance.
2 domestic airports in Sydney
Where is the other one? Or do you mean 2 terminals?
yep, fixed.
It's the system they use in the US, and it sucks.
I would much rather be able to go into the domestic terminal and be able to wait for family and friends.All this security, and I doubt it actually makes us more secure. Just security theatre.
Not to mention the standard of staff manning the security barrier :/
In T2 there are "facilities" before going through security - there is a coffee shop. Not sure about T3, but would assume there are "facilities" there as well.
What sort of 'facilities" are you wanting? Both terminals also have seating areas for people.
Oh ok, my recollection was that they are both quite barren. I will take a closer look next time.
I wonder now how many people will only fly if they really have no alternative choice..
Its certainly put me off flying.
The economic ramifications are huge.
Wonder what this does to the idea of a Second Airport for Sydney/ Badgerys Creek a.k.a. Western Sydney Airport.
You can look at… for Adelaide (Domestic/International Combined).
I hadn't thought about the implications for facilities or shops, I wonder if the Government has…