Excel Help

Not sure how else to title this, but I'm stuck on something that's above my Excel knowledge and Google couldn't answer this, so I'm hoping someone can.

OK so I have 3 different Excel files, each with a table in it like this:


Now I'm trying to have a Master File, which collates everything from the others. The code I have for the 1st cell is this:

='[File1.xlsx]August'!$B$12+'K:[File2.xlsx]August'!$B$12+'K:[File3.xlsx]AUG 17'!$B$12

So the bottom right cell would be:

='[File1.xlsx]August'!$Y$31+'K:[File2.xlsx]August'!$Y$31+'K:[File3.xlsx]AUG 17'!$Y$31

I don't want to manually change that B12 cell code for each and every one (have a 31x24 table to fill!), and just trying to work out what code I need so I can enter it once, then drag the highlight down so it automatically adds the necessary info.

Can someone please help? :)


  • +8

    Tried removing the $ signs? Those are used to keep the column and row references stationary

    edit: quick reading via first hit on google re: cell reference absolute/relative http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2031329&seqN…

    • cell reference absolute/relative

      Well I didn't know the name so I didn't search that :P

      • +2

        Use f4 in the formula bar and it cycles through

  • +3

    $ signs denote absolute referencing.
    remove the $ in front of the number value

    ='[File1.xlsx]August'!$Y31+'K:[File2.xlsx]August'!$Y31+'K:[File3.xlsx]AUG 17'!$Y31

    i could be wrong!

    • +2

      remove $ from letter and number to allow copy down and across

  • Thanks so much guys that worked! :) Here I thought it would be more than that!

  • +9

    Never thought I'd see the day $ signs are unwanted on Ozbargain.

  • +2

    Good to see all is now well but just remember that the reverse is also true ie when you don't want the cell references to change "$" is a godsend.

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