Enquiring minds would like to answer this age old question.
Also jv said no one on OzBargain spends over $50 at father's day
*if you don't buy Father's Day gifts please use "Less than $50"
Enquiring minds would like to answer this age old question.
Also jv said no one on OzBargain spends over $50 at father's day
*if you don't buy Father's Day gifts please use "Less than $50"
As he's dead - $0.
Sorry to hear that D C
Oh, don't worry about it.
You do need a $0 option for the orphans, Nelson Muntz types and so on.
$0 is included in "Less than $50"
Didn't Nelsons Dad go to get pop tarts and never come back?
@HunterOfBargains20: Smokes if I recall correctly.
$0-$50 is misleading. Ok, how about "I don't buy one" which covers Nelson et al properly.
Because I have special powers ;).
Users can't edit polls, but we can. Made sense in this case.
When is fathers' day?
The first Sunday in September, which is the 3rd this year.
Gah, one-month expiry on the poll?
I can't wait that long!
I'm sure you can
Never more than $9.65, that way my daughter has 35cents to whip up a card ;)
For the folks i usually keep it at/around the hundred mark. But that goes for birthday and Christmas too. 3 gifts a year each of one hundred bucks or so. Not too much to give your folks who've done so much is it?
my thought exactly
I'm not sure why this poll is required, jv was pretty clear when he said nobody on Ozbargain spends more than $50.
I'm going to assume you get socks for father's day
Does anyone want anything for Father's Day? I'm a Dad, albiet to young kids and honestly I couldn't care less if I get a gift. I hate these stupid contrived special days made up by retailers to guilt trip people into buying gifts for loved ones.
Any and every day should be Father's day. Do something spontaneous and nice for your dad whenever you want. Same goes for mum, wife, kids, husband, dog, whoever. Don't let the shops tell you when and how much you should buy for those loved ones.
couldn't agree more…
Very well said. If you love dad/mum/grandpa/uncle/aunt, you don't need special day to gift them something.
Paraphrasing something someone once said 'all fathers have that one gift, it might be in a shed out the back but it's like a crappy hand made Father's Day mug from primary school and every so often the man picks it up delicately and stares at it.
Some may think he's thinking of memories of years gone bye, time spent with the kids, but all he's really thinking is "cost me nothing that mug".'
that is beautiful.
i actually did 'LoL'
That's why festivus day was created
On average, probably <$50, but sometimes I'd go over, depends what he wants. Mostly he wants the Darrell Lea Dad's Bag which is easy for me!
everyone will just vote more than 50 to spite JV lol