Your Top 5 Movies

Due to the popularity of top 5 Games i thought i'd do my other great passion in life movies

Simple as it gets top 5 in order you welcome to explain why you loved them like people in the video game section did.

Im going to put a rule in you cant just say a group of movies ie you cant just says the god father trilogy, you have to say a single movie ie God Father 2

So here is mine

1. Star Wars Episode 4 (originally titled Star Wars when it was release in 1977)

  • This is my hands down favorite of all time everyone says episode 5 is the best but when you think of the creativity, emotion and action this movie had for it's time it is hands down the greatest. It the movie that as a child made me want to be a Jedi Knight and has turned the Religion of Jedi into an actually thing with people writing it so often on there census papers!

2. Lord of the rings Return of the King

  • It is rare that the 3rd movie in a trilogy is better then the 1st but this movie is a masterpiece, the dialog, story and action come together perfectly to tie probably the best trilogy ever made.

3. Star Wars Episode 5 Empire Strikes Back

  • Widely regarded as the best Star Wars movie ever made its highly quotable, fast paced and was (at for its time) one of the few movies where the good guys lose in the end.Also Yoda saying to Luke"Yes….That is why you fail" blew my mind as a kid and still does to this day. Can only imagine waiting a whole 4 years until Episode 6 comes out to know how it all ends would of been like waiting for the next season of GOT to come out but on Steroids

4. Batman The Dark Knight

  • The second installment of Director Christopher Nolans trilogy took a the superhero batman and the super villain Jokers and created the greatest super hero movie ever once again with lines like "you want to know how i got these scares" and "some men just want to see the world burn" make this a movie that will one day be the movie we look back and say 'they just dont make'em like that anymore.'

5. Indian Jones and the raiders of the lost Ark

  • This movie was/is/always-will-be one of the greatest adventures ever doesn't matter how many times i see it between Indian Jones and Han Solo Harrison Fords two flagship rolls make me want to either be a Space pirate or a Adventuring archaeologist with a kick ass whip

Honorable Mentions - Rocky 1 & 2, Lord of the Rings 1 & 2, Departed, Inception, Fight club, Aladdin, Lion King, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Scarface, the Wolf of Wall Street, Avengers, Shaw-shank Redemption, Back to the Future and Spiderman 1 & 2(Tobey Maguire version).

This was a lot harder to do then a top 5 Video games list i reckon i could put another 50-60 movies in the Honorable mentions list alone


  • +1

    The Man from Earth
    Whatever other crap is around, but that one always occupies the top spot in the long term.

  • +3

    Rocky 1
    Rocky 2
    Rocky 3
    Rocky 4
    Rocky 5

  • +1

    In no particular order, here are my favourites:

    1. Amelie
    2. Whiplash
    3. Rush Hour 2
    4. The Room
    5. New Police Story
  • +1

    has turned the Religion of Jedi into an actually thing

    Technically calling "Jedi" a religion is wrong, it's like saying "Priest" is a religion.
    Wouldn't the religion be "The Force".

  • +2
    1. Inception
    2. The Matrix
    3. Shawshank Redemption
    4. Billy Maddison
    5. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back
    • I didn't copy you BTW, but looks like we are aligned on 2 and 3.

      • I add 4 & 5 purely based on how much it influenced so much of my youth, with all the quotes I still use today from the movies with my mates. Technically I should also give Forrest Gump the nod and probably the Harry Potter Series

  • +2

    Terminator 2
    The Matrix
    Shawshank Redemption
    Forrest Gump
    Back To The Future

  • +1

    The good,the bad, the ugly
    Deuce bungalow

  • The Fast and the furious
    The day after tomorrow
    The Mummy (the first one not the crap they brought out this year)
    Stargate: The ark of truth

    Nothing is set in stone but this would be roughly it atm not 100% about the above order though.
    I have over 1200 movies in my plex server and i love a good chunk of them.

  • +3

    pretty hard to narrow it down to 5 :)

    - Its everything thats good about Kevin Smith movies, followed closely by Chasing Amy, Mallrats and Dogma)
    Star Wars Ep 4
    - The original, and still the best, followed closely by 5 (and maybe 6)
    Toy Story
    - Its Pixar, and everything thats good about Pixar…followed closely by every other Pixar movie (except Cars 2..that wasnt good :) )
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    - Its Monty Python, its iconic and its hilarious (and quotable)..followed closely by every other Monty Python movie/sketch etc
    Pulp Fiction
    - Because a Tarantino film should be in everyones top 5 :)

  • Terminator
    Terminator 2
    Terminator 3
    Terminator 5

    Terminator 6,7,8,9,10

    • +4

      Anything not directed by James Cameron isn't worthy of having the Terminator name.

  • Very hard to choose just 5…

    1. LOTR The Return of the King
    2. LOTR The Two Towers (Both as extended editions of course)
    3. V for Vendetta
    4. Jurassic Park
    5. The Last of the Mohicans

    I am big into movie soundtracks too, and all of the above have got fantastic ones.

  • Contact
    Natural Born Killers
    Point Break (1990's)

  • -4

    We should wait a while and the post about the top 5 movies mentioned here that we dislike.

    For example:

    Star Wars: Oh good lord, plot holes galore in a hokey old tired plot. The princess wants her crown back, yay. Who voted her in anyway, bloody royals. Right, lame writing, so just before ObiWan gets sliced in half by his old student, he says he'll come back "more powerful than you could ever imagine". And then what? He turns into 'Casper the Friendy Ghost', tells Luke to turn the targeting computer off, and that it. And VII was a lame retread of IV, 'homage' my rear. Shiny though.

    Kevin Smith: Just no. If only films were expensive to make, we'd be spared his 'creativity'.

    Billy Maddison / Deuce Bigalow: Sandler and the other one whose name I can't remember. Doesn't matter. Why do people keep giving them money?

    Batman (Nolan): How many times can one say during a movie, "Oh c'mon, how could…"

    Only 4, close enough.

    Thumbs up for 'Commando' though. It descends so far into stupidity that due to the curved nature of space\time it ends up in awesome.

    • +1

      Rob Schneider

      • +1

        Yeah, that one. Movies so good that Sony created a fake critic just so someone would write something nice about his films.

  • +1

    Let's see…

    The Descent.
    Usual Suspects.
    The Quiet Earth.
    The Thing.

    A bunch off the top of my head. I'd throw Timecrimes, Triangle & True Romance in there somewhere as well.

  • In no particular order:

    Source Code
    The Fast and The Furious (Any of 'em could take this spot though, bar the new one which I've yet to see.)

    There's probably others, but these came to mind first.

  • I rate my movies on how much I re-watched them
    1. TDKR - Best DC movie ever
    2. There's Something About Mary - Funny as. Makes me laugh every time
    3. Unforgiven - Especially the final 30 minutes
    4. Die Hard - It's the Home Alone during Christmas for us adults
    5. The Wedding Singer - 80s music

  • blazing saddles
    police academy (all)
    Beverly hills cop 1
    shawshank redemption
    American pie (all)

  • +1

    Mostly movies from my school days.

    Mad Max 2 - easily #1, after that it gets harder to isolate them. We watched it so many times. We had a VCR that would reverse play (no sound) and the final chase scene was cool to watch backwards.

    Star Wars (1977)
    Terminator 2
    First Blood
    Lethal Weapon
    Matrix (yes that is #6)

    and best B (or C?) grade movie
    The Wraith

    • If you are talking B grade movies the good Mortal Kombat and for bad but good Street fighter

  • +1

    The Count of Monte Cristo
    Ever After
    The Notebook
    Mean Girls

  • The Dark Knight
    The Sound of Music
    The Lion King
    The Social Network

    (off the top of my head. I could probably revise this list about 200 times if I put too much thought into it)

  • +1


    • Shawshank Redemption
    • The Matrix
    • Inception (First time I felt like I was getting high on a movie)
    • The Dark Knight (Best Superhero movie EVER. The recent Wonder Woman movie is just trash IMHO and it pisses me off when ppl say it is probably the best DC movie)
    • Terminator 2

    Special Mentions:

    • Avatar (A very simple story but the best visual movie experience I ever had in an IMAX)
    • Titanic (The first movie I ever watched at the cinemas and I loved it!)
    • Sound Of Music (Watched this one on VHS multiple times during my schooldays)
  • Terminator 2
    Mad Max 2
    Never Ending Story
    Star Wars: The Original Trilogy.

  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (my all time fave adventure movie, have watched it countless times)
    Titanic (my fave romance movie)
    Lord of the Rings 1 (fave fantasy)
    Terminator 1 (this isn't exactly horror, but back then when I was a kid, the Terminator scared the **** out of me. Great movie)
    Mission impossible 1 (fave action movie)

  • +1

    The Shining
    Fight Club
    Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
    Shawshank Redemption

  • transformers 1
    transformers 2
    transformers 3
    transformers 4
    transformers 5

  • Casino
    The Postcard bandit
    The Deer hunter

    1. Shawshank Redemption
    2. The Matrix
    3. Inception
    4. The Dark Knight
    5. Interstellar
  • Only watch anime sorry

  • These are my favorite movies.

    1 - Hacksaw Ridge
    2 - Spectre
    3 - The Dark Knight
    4 - Fast and the furious 7
    5 - Finding Dory

  • lotr series
    american psycho
    kingdom of heaven
    requiem for a dream

    • How underrated in kingdom of heaven = top movie

      • Gotta watch the directors cut version. Much better.

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