pretty good if you want them within two days of postage
Apple Airpods $225 @ Officeworks

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no its available
idk it is for me
I get the same as you TA.
if only i could afford an iphone….. ha ha. :-)
Isn't the Normal price from Apple only $229?
but shipping takes 6 weeks
Save $4 what a bargain haha.
yeah but have to wait 6 weeks people are selling them for more on ebay for that reason
This is a good deal. Can buy them and resell for $300 on eBay
Curious, why would people be buying them for a $70 premium over Apple themselves?
Found the answer - 6 week wait from AppleSome people have minimal patience and value time over money. Or they (profanity) up a need to buy a present pronto.
can I use these on an android device? or are they part of some apple IOS thing that only works with apple devices
Yes you can
you can, but not recommend though, airpods lose all its magic on android.
what sort of magic?
Can't use the W1 chip which improves the connection experience. They'll act as basic Bluetooth earbuds though. Same applies to older model iPhones.
I'm not quiet across the product and W1 chip. I just read something quick. that the earphones know when to pause music when one is pulled from your ears… what if you want to share the music with the person next to you, or just use one at a time rather than 2
I think i'll need to go to an outlet and demo these earphones for myself,.
no idea whats so special in them.
for same price i can get any decent wireless headphones. probably even for less.
i hope iphone works with any bluetooth headphones?
Um, those other ones are not apple branded. I wouldn't be seen dead using non apple earphones with my iPhone. I'd be a social pariah.
Nothing is stopping you from using any other bluetooth headphones. Any kind will work with iPhones. What's special according to others is the easy pairing, and their reliability, plus the fact they are designed to work the the iPhone in mind.
The tap features and auto-pause when you take them off seem pretty cool, though yeah I couldn't justify spending $225 on them. Plus they still look like weird earrings to me.
Plus they still look like weird earrings to me
Agreed. To me they look like tampons. They look ridiculous if you ask me.
I've used Airpods and while I can't justify the purchase price, they are very good to use. I was trialling some bluetooth headsets (Jabra ones mainly due to work relationship with the company) and the Airpods crapped all over them. The only problem was the battery life on them wasn't very good. After an hour long call, you had to charge them
I cannot believe I am saying this myself but complete cordless earphones from other companies are not much better in terms of price.
Braggi's "Headphone" costs around the same if I remember correctly, Samsung's Gear IconX is between $150~$200 and it's awful as an earphone by the looks of it (battery life is beyond awful as it has heart rate monitor and MP3 player feature).
If I were to get a cordless earphone, I'd probably say AirPods is one of the better options out there after considering warranty, whether it's released in Australia and so on and so forth.
Chinese ones are cheaper by far, but I've heard people saying that they are not as reliable.
If you go onto the wireless ones with cords, they are usually cheaper and there are more options out there, of course.
Thanks for advise.
I use Bose QC30 and i am quite happy with them. used with both iphone and andriod.
I can't justify myself to use lower quality earphones. Also, i think in same price range you can get decent earphones compared to these.
I think value depends on individuals. I kinda leave it at there. Hence why I mentioned it's not bad among complete cordless earphones.
Eh, I think it's all subjective, headphones and earphones. What you can choose/like change so much with your requirements. Wireless vs wired, open headphones vs closed headphones, in-ear vs open earphone, noise cancelling or not, etc etc.
I personally don't think AirPods would be worth the money for me, purely because I don't value cordless feature and for it being a first generation product. Though for people who want cordless, there are not many options out there.
Thanks OP, bought some!
or if you dont mind a cable, $5 xiaomi fresh earphones will provide better sound quality
for these people still want it. JBHifi at Bourk st sill have plenty of these
At first I thought it was a joke, then I was like, well it's Apple.. Then I thought it was a typo.. Now, again, I think it's a joke.
These are also available at JB Hifi in stock for anybody interested.
if anyone's on the line about whether to buy or not, here's my experience based on comparing with QC35's and various wireless/wired earbuds:
Good: extremely convenient and unobtrusive
decent sound quality (I find them a bit better than the QC35's with slightly not as flat sounding and clearer highs and mids)
can be recharged quickly
the included case easily lasts 3-5 daysBad:
no sound isolation/cancellation
no controls except pause/play/next song
and the most important (for me) - if you lose one side, you have to buy the whole thing again as apple told me they don't sell them separately (online searches told me you can in the US)
Connection with non-apple products is average. Sometimes (though not that often) drops out when using it with my PC.Honestly, I wear this thing all day as a bluetooth earpiece for calls and music and the convenience alone is worth it. There's noway I can wear my QC35's in a meeting but I can get away with one of these in my left or right ear. Though bare in mind, they are small and a bit slippery so they can easily be misplaced and forgotten about and then lost.
Hope this helps.
My only complaint is that they fall from my ears. I have to use a silicon wing to make stay in my ear (especially during running). The wing is annoying because it wont fit in the battery case, so each time I need 5 seconds to remove/put on the silicon cover.
Other than this, I'm 100% agree with rk1314. One of the best product that Apple made this year. The magic is very convenient.
Not sure why u compare these t0 QC35.
These should be compared to QC30.
I use them all day. Agree with your point on noise cancellation and other items.
I wear my QC30 all day to take calls, in meetings, in client presentation( nice icebreakers btw).
Also no chance of losing one as it stays nicely in your neck.
Wait, are these just little earphones?
I bought a whole damn iPhone for 250 the other day.
You can use these one at a time, certain about that with later model apple devices, the other stays charged in the case and isn't on.
Personally I'm too scared I'd lose one of them as these things do not like staying in my ear very well, especially without the old traditional foam bud cover that used to be stock standard with the old ear bud head sets.
I usually use my good old Plantronics Backbeat Fit for everyday use. Hard to lose, water resistant and an overall pretty rugged unit that has survived the bottom of my backpack for over 3 years.
I had a good think about headphones falling out in the past, which happens with me a lot. I reckon about 99% of the time it was because the cord got caught on something (even with Backbeats behind the neck cord); not an issue with these…
Thanks OP. Just picked some up, they sound better than I expected (my expectations were extremely low). Supposedly they have about the best noise cancelling mic for traffic and wind noise. We shall see…
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