Changing Down lights to RGB bulb options?

I recently purchased Xiaomi RGB bulbs which are fantastic.

I have one room that has 8 downlights that I wish to change over to RGB. I have found some products such as:

Philips HUE 6.5W GU10 LED Lightbulb ~ $87 ( 8 x $87 = $696)
and cheaper RGB lights that are controlled through an app that is around $50

The cheaper RGB lights don't have any type of integration into a home automation system from what I can see. I will be placing sensors around the house to turn lights and off when needed using tools like IFTT and

The OzBarginer in me thought about just buying a mount for the existing downlight holes and replacing all downlights with the Xiaomi RGB down lights. How can this be done?
Would it look ugly seeing a bit of the bulb? I thought not if they can be recessed enough into the roof.

Interested in your thoughts and options.



  • I'm interested in smart rgb downlights too but I'm not aware of any sensible options at the moment so I think I will wait for a couple of years for some better prices and more competitors in the space. $700 for a room is just really bad value IMO.

  • Agree. Even $400 for other RGB downlights without an API isn't worth the expense.

  • +1

    Don't do it.

    • I assume you're saying don't convert the downlights to just bulbs?

  • Scrap that idea and just get the GU10 Limitless LEDs, they are cheap and certified to AU standards. I've only installed one so far for testing although it has been working quite well.

    • They seem quite cheap, the hub is cheap, and ship to Australia for not much, what's the catch!?

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