Hey all
I'm thinking of purchasing a Toyota Ascent Sport 2016 CTV Auto on finance through Toyota
Has anyone had or has experience with finance through Toyota?
Also, if you have any opinions regarding the car.
Hey all
I'm thinking of purchasing a Toyota Ascent Sport 2016 CTV Auto on finance through Toyota
Has anyone had or has experience with finance through Toyota?
Also, if you have any opinions regarding the car.
i own corolla 2016, car is good n reliable..
didnt finance through them, so cant comment
if one think i would change is 'toyota link' is garbage..
they are the only few companies that refuse to apple/ android play.. if that's important to you, reconsider :P
EG, you can display google map in hyundai but u cant do that in toyota.. you need to use the shitty map from toyota link, which i find it's under utilising the larger screen in corolla sports..
other than that, car handling is great and seats are comfy!
How much is the sticker price you're getting?
Also if you are getting finance there is usually a better deal outside the dealership unless its one of those packaged 2.9% finance things
It's 24k dropped from 27 I believe
Nah finance is around 8-10% through Toyota
I dont know about you but the idea of paying $2500 on the first year for interest on a car does not sound inviting.
You probably need to do a bit of research before you commit to buying a car.
Know the price - You're going to pay 24K for a 2016 Corolla Ascent Sport Auto. You would be able to get a 2017 model for 23K drive away with some haggling. On the Toyota website, it is currently 23,990 drive-away in SA. Not sure which state you are in but if you can convince the dealership that you are willing to go buy from interstate, then they can possibly price match? Good luck with your purchase.
Thanks for the heads up!
I went to Toyota dealer yesterday and was given a quote on 23k 2017 ex model. 500km.
Questions, is this a 2016 plated new car, a used car or a demo. If used is it an ex rental.
Depending on how strong your credit app is you should be able to achieve much better than 8 percent. Watch out for establishment fees, doc fees, admin fees, gap insurance, etc.
Rental cars are the fastest cars in the world according to Top Gear
Corolla is a great car; always have been and hold their value.
$23990 drive away for a 2017 auto model, $450 more for metallic. Don't buy a 2016 for $24k.
Alternatively consider a run-out Camry Altise - $26,990 drive away, free metallic paint, free Sat-Nav, 0% comparison rate finance. Probably work out cheaper to finance over 4yrs than the Corolla.
Disclosure - Toyota salesman here but I'm in WA :)
http://toyotainventory.werribeetoyota.com.au/inventory/corol… Is this the one you're speaking about?
I wonder if my dealer will be able to throw in a free colour change. is that possible?
Hard to go wrong with a Corolla - they are reliable and sell very well.