10% off Apple Computers sale at JB Hi-Fi - excludes BTO.
*Excludes iPads, Apple Built to Order and Factory Scoop.
10% off Apple Computers sale at JB Hi-Fi - excludes BTO.
*Excludes iPads, Apple Built to Order and Factory Scoop.
JB's usually very good at offering a genuine 10% off with these fortnightly deals; no jacking up.
Let the let the prices will be jacked up comments comments begin.
Let jack begin to comment the price up.
Recently picked up a MBP with touch bar and can safely say it is one of the nicest laptops I have purchased, however the price is steep for the specs offered but what people dont see is that similarly to game consoles, there is limited hardware that OSX devs have to write for so everything "just works". Highly recommend a mac for anyone that isnt doing windows only tasks/gaming
Also the keyboard takes some getting used to, if I had a budget I would probably go for the older model with the older keyboard
Care to elaborate? I hadn't heard anything
Which part exactly? The keyboard has very shallow switches which to me feel like an older blackberry phone keyboard with normal keycaps on them. Feels like a bunch of momentary switches, only got mine today and I'm starting to get used to it already (typing this on it).
And the older model being that, I wasn't limited by budget however if I had that in mind I would have chosen the Retina MBP with the ports just for ease of use, price and the fact that the keyboard is superior. You dont get much more computer for the amount you pay
"The new keys are somewhere between the last generation and an older model MacBook — which is to say that they’re still relatively flat (due, likely to the slim profile), but have a much more noticeable give. Some users will still probably have an issue with the relatively shallow typing experience, but if the keyboard was a key factor keeping you from picking the new model up, it’s worth taking for a spin the next time you’re near an Apple Store.
I’ve been using the new model since Monday’s keynote, and it’s grown on me — and, honestly, am glad I didn’t bite the bullet and buy an older model. For someone who makes his living banging fingers against a keyboard, it’s a pretty important distinction."
Looks like they fixed the squeaky or unresponsive keys on this new 2017 model compared to 2016. I wonder if that covers the MBP too.
Thanks for the heads up mate
I dont seem to be having any issues with keys, it was probably fixed in the 2016 halfway through production
"there is limited hardware that OSX devs have to write for so everything "just works""
This is not why Apple stuff is overpriced (ok, 'priced' as it is). BTW I use both Mac (software development) and PC (software dev + gaming).
I didn't say it was. I agree that its overpriced.
Don't forget your 5% off JB gift cards.
Entertainment Book.
OP, I don't see the 10% being advertised on JB HIFI's website, when does the promotion start?
This weekend Saturday 29 July - Sunday 30 July. TBA on JB's Website.
Are we expecting new models this year and therefore, JB is offering the promotions?
bit slow there…
Since WWDC they had updated ones.
Nope, JB offer these semi regularly. Only ones that are really old in the tooth are the Pro and Mini.
Cant forget the macbook air
The MBA was updated…kind of.
We are getting new iMac Pros and a new Mac Pro soon aswell as a rumoured new MB Air, not sure about the mobile side of things. However I don't think this is the cause of the promo
Not until next year.
10% off is no longer enough. Australian dollar has gone up nearly 6% this month. 20% off should be minimum.
Does the Apple light up on the back of the 2017 non-touch bar version MBP's screen??
No. Apple haven't been very 'bright'for a long time.
Man it shits me only the 15" comes with 16GB off the shelf.
Do they not have the 16gb option? That seems crazy.
You can order a custom build 16GB for the 12" and 13" models, but custom builds aren't included in the 10% off.
If anyone needs gift cards hit me up!
does this include accessories? need a new lightning cable
There's still no MBP 15" 2.9GHZ Space Grey. I bought one at end of June sale and still waiting on stock to arrive. I've contacted them numerous times and they have told me that they will re-date the warranty start from when it arrives. 4 weeks+ now. So frustrating, but worth the wait I guess to save $400. Any one else buy one at the 29/6 sale and receive it/not received it?
Why didn't you just price match at Apple store, they do that now.
Yeah I know that now. At the time there was still a await on stock at Apple too when I checked their website. Good that they price match now though. Some try Officeworks for an extra 5% off but it seems pretty hit and miss depending on who you speak with.
I am on the same boat as you. I purchased it from JB Hi Fi because I managed to get Giftcards at a discount. Didn't know the stock issues were going to be this bad and the wait to be this long. I has an almost 3 month wait for the 2016 MBP and I've been patiently waiting since 2017 MBP's launch till now. I will bring up warranty upon collection but I am believe the warranty activates online when the Laptop is first used - As for warranty repairs Apple doesn't ask for the receipt.
That's good to know about the warranty.
So you ordered the 512GB 15-inch Space Grey too? I reckon I'll give them another week and cancel the order. Then wait for any sales and buy from Apple direct with a price match. This service is just BS. I'm regretting waiting this long but holding out hope…
Why not cancel today and go to Apple today and price match?
I am stuck because I bought them from JB Hi Fi on giftcard and I don't really have $4k to spend on anything else in store.
I've noticed that the model I purchased isn't listed. So I doubt Apple would do anything. At least the stock issue seems to be genuine. Even OFFICEWORKS don't have the Space Grey 15" model either.
@imaxsameer: I cancelled my JB order yesterday and just bought from Apple direct. Got 1.5% Cash Rewards which is better than nothing. For me, it's a business expense so the discount wasn't worth the infinite wait. It's arriving today. Yay, finally. Hope you get yours soon though. Maybe let me know as I'd be interested to see when stock actually arrives.
That's great, yeah I am claiming mine as a 100% tax deduction too. I received the call today that its here, shall collect it tomorrow (Wednesday).
PS: I got my giftcards at 10% off.
@imaxsameer: Glad it all worked out for you. Ironically, mine didn't arrive today even though it was meant to! And to rub salt into my wounds I see that Good Guys are doing 10% off today too. So I could have gone into an Apple Store, got it price matched and walked out with the MBP. But I'm over it. rolls eyes.
I'm really trying not to get one! Really trying here!
Very happy - Officeworks price beat over the phone - free click & collect - for 2017 12 inch MacBook - $1622 - vs retail of $1898. Which for local stock is a great result. Plus heading O/S on Wednesday means another 10% off for me. Winner winner chicken dinner.
i can get 5% off vouchers if anyone is interested! no ent book!
The Frankston store had this 10% going until the 1st of September! Just picked one up on the weekend.
Good idea to get OfficeWorks to match it! :O
Let the prices will be jacked up comments begin