Anyone know where I can get my hands on about 10 dry farmed seahorse for medicinal use in Aus?
msg me or reply here thanks :)
Anyone know where I can get my hands on about 10 dry farmed seahorse for medicinal use in Aus?
msg me or reply here thanks :)
You realise "evidence based" western medicine has only been around for less 300 years right?
Also I prefer not to use antibiotics :)
And you realise practices based on superstitious nonsense have been around for thousands of years? But what's your point?
That "superstitious nonsense" you refer to is the reason you are alive today son!
Not to mention being used for thousands of years by your ancestors!
Ignorance at its best!
All sorts of bugs and insects like Centipedes and grasshoppers are traditionally used in Chinese medicine, you should try them. More easily accessible and cheaper ;)
You can't argue with historical facts :P
I think you're confused. It may be a fact that it was used historically, but does not make it a fact that it is effective medicinally. Snake oil.…
it's on the internet, it must be true.
I looked up their status because I got confused with leafy sea dragon (although it appears they are related)
from wiki - Popularly known as "leafies", it is the marine emblem of the state of South Australia and a focus for local marine conservation
I think the feminist sea horses is what's actually leading to their extinction.
They simply don't want to mate, like the giant panda.
Since the male seahorses are saying "I don't want to live in this world anymore" and purposely getting themselves caught by fishermen.
If you are based in Syd or Mel, try Beijing Tong Ren Tang.
I'm not sure if they stock them but they sell medicinal herbs.
this sounds like something the local bikies might have
I have provided you with a link to a product that's just as effective at a fraction of the price.…
Can confirm that product listed would be as effective as OP's product
Nah, its too potent… you would need to dilute the stuff
I found some seahorses in our fridge when I was in primary school.
Someone gave it to us, it's yucky to look at…. shrivelled, dry, seahorse.
I'm too sensitive after seeing the cute ones at underwaterworld
That reminds me, i'm looking to buy 3x unicorn testicles…for a friend…
There's gonna be a one testicle unicorn left running around somewhere.
Would that stallion still be…. horny?
That comment is pretty… ballsy
I can sell you some snake oil at a good price…
Appreciate the Ozbargain humour :)
I know they are becoming extinct from over fishing which is why I'm after "FARMED" ones!
Selling wild caught is illegal but farmed is not!
What if they wash up on beach?
Has anyone been able to save beached ones?
I suggest you spend more time researching evidence based practices that will help with your issues