Cheap Bluetooth Headset with Mic

Hey all, seeking a wireless headset with mic, just for voice chat on PC.

My PC is connected to the TV, so wired connection is basically off the cards.

Cheapest possible would be awesome, but I'll pay a few more dollars if it means quality improves fairly well.

Over ear would be ideal, but my target price range of around $20-$30 probably won't allow this!

If there's any over ear or on ear at or below that price … Let me know!



  • Search "wireless bluetooth headset" on eBay and you will find heaps of over ear ones, down as low as $3!

  • bluedio

  • Not a chance for $20-30 I'd say. You won't be able to get a decent connection. Is this for work or gaming or what ?

    I have a Jabra earpiece for work which was $150. Maybe look at a used option on eBay and buy new ear pieces (i.e the rubber or foam part)

    To get a decent quality headset you'd want to be spending close to $100 (retail price). Try xaomi or something maybeZ

      AUD $22.06

      I can confirm it plays audio from an iphone for 5+ hrs continuously. The specs say 10hrs talk time, but I don't have a need to run it that long so I can't confirm that.

      I use it for podcasts and phone calls.

      Compared to the el-cheapo no name brand stuff on eBay. Tronsmart is at least reasonably trusted on OZB

  • -1

    I know you said wired isn't an option but for the sake of your health (no microwave radiation), I wouldn't rule it out:……

    You can even send audio over ethernet with adapters like this:…

    If I was concerned with accidents from loose cables, I might consider something like this:…
    If not, I'd simply guide the cables near the walls of the room.

    Going wired is far better for your health and it means you have a choice of a gazillion wired headsets on ebay and elsewhere.

    • Going wired is far better for your health

      Can you provide some sources for all this damage bluetooth is causing?

      • -1

        Bluetooth is basically low-powered wi-fi. 2.4GHz range of frequencies. A headset is close-proximity stuff. Plenty of articles about wi-fi, mobile phones, cell towwers, microwave radiation effects on biology. Vested interests on both sides arguing it's safe/unsafe/safe/unsafe. We make our own decisions. I have made mine. I would never consider wireless - ever. Most homes are bathed in it from multiple sources, let alone schools and shopping centres. Tragedies in the making.……

        etc. etc. etc.

        We are with wireless now where we were with smoking and asbestos and other things years ago. Lots of BS back-and-forth. I'm not participating in the latest guinea pig trials. I've seen enough to know it causes damage.

      • +1

        Heh. Cheepwun is our residential crackpot. If memory recalls, that user is not only anti-wifi, but also anti-"GMO" (I don't think he knows what that word means), anti-vaccines and he also believes in that weird chemtrails conspiracy theory. I'm surprised that he hasn't yet realised that OzBargain is ran by the Illuminati in order to promote capitalism!

        • -2
          • Chemntrails are a conspiracy theory? Interesting. You might want to look up geoengineering sometime.
          • Anti-GMO. Yes. You might want to learn about genetically modified foods sometime.

          Glad to be your crackpot. And what are you? Something about ignorance and bliss. You deserve what you get.
          There's so much more work to do. Fighting through so much density. Label me some more. It only shows me that you…oh, I should keep quiet. Ignorance is so much easier for everyone.

          Keep making personal attacks and add nothing to the conversation. Keep on doing it.

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