How can one find out if a premise has a NBN New Development Charge without giving your address to an ISP so as to avoid possible marketing calls. It's fine if it's a government website like or a third party website with a good privacy policy.
NBN New Development Charge - How to Find out?

i have exactly the same problem
It completely sucks eh. I have gigabit fibre at work but it doesn't help when I want to relax at home and watch a bit of YouTube. I can still do that now over 4G, but have had to switch from 720p on my 60" TV to 360p on a 13" laptop screen. The TV doesn't have a setting to drop the quality, so would chew through my data really quickly.
New development fee is not chargeable by NBN until an NBN connection order has been made which will have to be made by OP. NBN will then bill RSP (new name for ISP) who will on-charge, I've been through this with NBN and they are adamant that they don't charge the end user they charge the RSP that order the connection who then 'choose' whether to pass this charge on too consumer.
NBN were reluctant to tell me if they had levied the charge in the first place because of confidentiality reasons (as their contract is with RSP not end user) but in theory its levied on all first NBN connections to new build properties.
being a true OzBarginer I did not pay the fee but thats another story
I'm lost at how the NBN can charge the RSP, when most people won't have a RSP until the NBN Is ready and shopping around for a RSP.
Are you trying to find out if the developers have paid the fee to get the premises connected before you buy a place?
I'm currently going through this with Telstra, not NBN but I have found if I call Telstra they are able to give me basic information on the progress, but they won't disclose anything else. Perhaps NBN Co might do the same, I am not sure.
I've already bought a new unit and moved in and the developers didn't bother to organise ANYTHING during the construction phase, and I've just found out I have to wait another 12 weeks before I get a copper line installed :( Thankfully I'm an OzBargainer and have been buying as many 4G prepaid sim cards as I can find when they are on special ;)
No NBN here until next year…