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[eBook] Free "1123 Hard to Believe Facts" $0 @ Amazon

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Following the success of my site and numerous requests from readers, I decided to compile some of the most interesting facts in a book. That's why I decided to collect the best gems of breath-taking trivia and to present you a great compilation of verified facts, suitable for a broad audience. This is the result of years of sifting through history and reference books on a myriad of subjects as well as searching the Internet and paying attention to the news.…

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closed Comments

    • +1

      Thanks, added.

  • +9

    Fact #1: It's hard to believe this is for free

  • +3

    Unbelievable deal

  • +1

    Thanks 😁

  • +6

    110: Never heard of Xiaomi? It is the third largest mobile phone producer in the world.


    • +3

      That's too hard to believe.

  • +1

    976: Dick Smith brand was purchased by Kogan

  • +9

    2: 98% of people who download this book will never read it

    • +2

      Unless they pay for it

    • +1

      3: 2% of people who download this free book will actually say they read it

    • It took me 4 minutes to speed-read the entire book.

      It's something about facts… I think :(

  • -1

    Fact #101: Conservatives have lower average IQ than Progressives

    • +3

      That's not hard to believe at all , just hard to live with

      • +1

        You might be surprised how much other scientific research has been done on conservatives v progressives. You wouldn't find that research hard to believe either…..

    • Fact #100: Progressives have higher rates of criminality than Conservatives.

      • Fact #99: The Orange Sphincter isn't a progressive…

        • -1

          Fact #98: Fact #99 is a useless fact, debunking a claim no one has ever made.

        • @rokufan: Whoosh!!

        • -2

          @yoyomablue: A whoosh like sound when Hillbot wiped her server with a cloth?

        • +1

          @rokufan: Nah, the whoosh of something flying over a conservative's head

        • -2

          @yoyomablue: Do you mean the whoosh sound of the shoe thrown at John Howard on the ABC by an unhinged lefty? Or the whoosh sound of the left's Russia conspiracy crashing down?

        • Fact #1001: Conservatives have lower levels of critical thinking

        • -2

          @yoyomablue: Have a look at voting patterns of high crime decades long Democrat controlled cities. Or the voting habits amongst the highest crime demographics including ex-cons who by the way many Democrat state governors restored voting rights to just in time for the 2016 Presidential election - I wonder why?

          Or the thousands of progressive rioters and looters (CNN edit: sorry I mean peaceful 'protestors') at the Hamburg G20 and their disregard for private property rights.

          The left has always embodied and used the violent, criminal elements of society.

        • @rokufan:have a lie down before the conspiracys take a hold and your fighting the lizard people living under your house

        • @Beach Bum: Your comment must be an example of progressive's exclusive possession of high functioning critical thinking that yoyomablue is so desperate to prove.

          Maybe you should take your own advice. It might not be wise to throw stones while your side are neck deep in their own Russia conspiracy fantasies. You know, glass houses and all.

        • +1

          @rokufan: not having mentioned Russia , Ukraine, shooting down passenger aircraft , spy boats , hacking , influencing elections or whatever else your on about, I'll leave you to your fantasy world
          And remember, fox news is for entertainment purposes only
          It's not to be taken seriously or literally . The warning is right there in the fine print.
          PS say hi to Elvis from me

  • +3

    Fact #1: Spending time on Ozbargain will make you unemployable, obese, single, broke and with poor personal hygiene.

    Fact #2: Tightarse really is tight.

    Fact #3: Broden lives vicariously through every Ozbargainer.

    • Fact #1

      Speak for yourself! ;-)

      • -1

        Do you agree that Fact #2 is true?

        • I have no idea. I've never had the pleasure.

  • +1

    Thank you-

  • I thought it said Hard Drive facts

    • +1

      Hard Drive Fact 1: Your drive could fail at any time. Back it up!


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