MacBook Pro Retina with Water Damage :(

Bad week for me,
Got some water in my MacBook Pro and stopped working. I can see the battery charging when plugging in the AC. But it doesn't power on. Took it to Apple and they want +$1000 to replace the logic board which is ridiculous.
Any one know store in Sydney able to help me with a good price?
I saw couple of ads in Gumtree to fix it for $100 or so
Like this one…

Anybody dealt with them? Any advice?
I am afraid that I won't get my MacBook back or they will steal some parts of it :(

One of my friends recommended to post it to China, there are some people fixing these and send it back


  • definitely don't post to china, it is literally asking to be robbed. I would say do the $100 services but be present the entire time they are repairing the macbook. On the other hand, you can try repairing yourself. It isn't that difficult but if you have bad eyesight or bad hand coordination then maybe not.

    • thanks for your reply, the $100 one works from his home when I contacted him. He told me to drop it off then pick it up the next day. Also, he said that he has ABN if that's will help.

      I have good eyesight and coordination but could you tell me what I need to do? for could you lead me to a website/youtube videos to learn from where I start and what I should do? is it just cleaning it with isopropyl alcohol?

  • Try dry it out in your microwave.

    • +5

      With oil and popcorn?

      • Cover with ALfoil first.

  • put it in a bag with rice. the rice draws out moisture.

    • It's already dry, it has been over a week since it got water.

      • +1

        I would consider it a total write off, and if anyone can resurrect it, its a bonus. I wouldn't trust it with any important data from now on, thats for sure. Does your house insurance cover it?

  • I would try the $100 option first.

    Worst case, you have lost $100 and can proceed to bring it in to apple. (I have done this before… Failed a self repair, brought in; paid cash and had it fixed)

    You have a macbook retina. You can afford this shit.

  • +1

    Hope this helps - few that I found on Google that do repairs for water damage and logic board. Worth giving them a call to find out prices.

    Also, I suggest you power it off completely and remove the battery to avoid further damage.…… (starts from $200) (claims to be lowest repair service and the only Mac repair specialist in Sydney who can fix logic boards)

  • How long has it been since the water damage? A friend of mine once sat a glass of water ON their open Macbook Pro, and ofcourse knocked it over. The entire glass of water went into the laptop. It was completely dead, but 1 or 2 weeks later they tried it again randomly, and it turned on and has been perfectly fine ever since. That was a couple of years ago.

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