This was posted 7 years 7 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] FREE Steam Key - International Snooker (61% Positive) - Indiegala


Another freebie from IG, this time one that has not been free before. Grab it while you can - lately the giveaways on IG do not last too long.…


The usual applies:

How to get the key:

IG has got some requirements to be fulfilled before you can get the free key. Those are:

Steam account linked to your Indiegala account
Steam account is a member of the IG Steam group
Steam account must be set to public

The procedure to get the key itself has remained the same:

click on Claim Giveaway button
log in to your IG account
do the captcha
click on the "Claim Free Copy" button
do captcha again (if necessary)
claim your key in your IG account (under IG Giveaways).
redeem key in Steam client

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Thanks, I never play these games but I always grab them because they're free.

    I love freeeeeeeee.

  • +1

    I feel like an idiot asking this, but how do you actually claim it?

    I followed the link and can't work it out.

    • +6

      To claim it you need to click the deal link, up the top right of the screen is a banner with youtube, tweet and facebook share, click the cross (x) on that, then link your steam your steam account to your indiegala account and make sure to like the group on steam (I did not have to but I'm pretty sure I have in the past), then click claim your copy and do the security check… After that is all done click your email address on the left of your signed in Indiegala page and go to 'my libraries' then click the bundles library, and finally click "indigala giveaways' and click on the giveaway link "international Snooker"

      • +1

        Thank you!

      • +2

        I created a fake steam account with another email. I use that account to link but use the keys on my real account.

  • Yes now i can play juat like the pro ronnie osullivan

  • +1

    They make it such a pain in the ass to register to these sites and when you finally log in it directs you back to the homepage. Good work on the free game though!

  • I think I got the Facebook part of this working by posting to a friend (can't pick yourself, I tried!) and sending them the deal, rather than having to post to your wall etc.
    The missus was beginning to wonder why I was sending her Warhammer adverts just there.. :)

    • No Facebook whatsoever necessary.

      • The requirements looked like a Tweet, a Facebook share and a follow on Youtube… or did I read that wrong?

        I was going by empoleous comment earlier on as well that referred to Facebook.

  • That was a bastard to do, but it worked!

    • +1

      Once you have done it once, it is easy for any future time.
      Log in, click on the giveaway, do the captcha, click again on giveaway and done.

  • +1

    I own it already, oopps. Unsure if my code can be used by anyone else; YTA6B-FNFIR-AJE4K

  • Well I can't get it to work… set up the Indiegala account, linked it but nothing seems to work. Some things are just not worth it even for free… ;-)

  • Sigh. Too late. No snooker for me I guess.

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