HDMI Monitor

As title, looking for a cheap HDMI monitor.

Thanks in advance


  • More info would be useful…are you looking to pick up only or are you happy/need to pay for shipping?

    Size/resolution requirements? Places like MSY will be a good starting point

    Random example but $129 @ MSY(msy.com.au). 21.5 inch 1080p monitor.

    • Shipping as long as its not too pricey, a pick up close to western sydney.

      Its just going to be used as a secondary monitor as I already have a 24inch 144hz 1920x1080 so anything around 20 inches

      • +1

        Ignore my above example. Doesn't have HDMI but can no longer edit comment.

        New example at Mwave(mwave.com.au). $129 with HDMI

    1. Maximum price.
    2. What do you use the monitor for
    3. Size?
    • As above, looking at around $100 but cheaper is good

      • +1

        e2270swdn probably the cheapest thing you can find in any computer shop. If you want HDMI, all you have to do is install a HDMI -> DVI adapter, and leave it in there permanently.

        For less than that you will be buying off a private seller, try gumtree for that kind of thing.

  • Try this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/LG-22MB35D-B-21-5-LED-LCD-Compute…

    20% off, with postage for $119.20, and add your DVI to HDMI dongle for $2 (of which I have several floating around).

  • +4

    Is it just me, or is this one of the most laziest post.

    • +1

      Do your own "laziest post" search! Or do you want me to check OzBargain for you to find out the answer for you? :)

      Seriously, I am amazed at the number of questions like this with vague parameters, waiting for someone to make a decision for them. It takes less effort to do their own Google search…

      • +1

        I'm looking for a cheap meal for lunch

        Thanks in advance

  • Pick something up second hand
    Here are some examples you may need to get a cheap adapter for some of these
    Just run a simple screen test when you go to pick up the montior ive bought 5 monitors second hand and have never had any issues

  • Buy an IPS panel.

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