As title, looking for a cheap HDMI monitor.
Thanks in advance
As title, looking for a cheap HDMI monitor.
Thanks in advance
Shipping as long as its not too pricey, a pick up close to western sydney.
Its just going to be used as a secondary monitor as I already have a 24inch 144hz 1920x1080 so anything around 20 inches
Ignore my above example. Doesn't have HDMI but can no longer edit comment.
New example at Mwave( $129 with HDMI
Just buy an $2 dollar dongle.…
Problem solved. You won't need to bother with sound anyway since the speakers in it are lousy.
only active adapters. VGA is a analogue signal cable standard, while HDMI is digital. A special box is required to translate these signals.(
If you search on ebay you should see quite a large number of cheap options. i think there's some loss in image quality, but i haven't researched.
DVI can be adapted to use with HDMI (+vice versa) so you only need an adapter dongle, and no translation is required.
As above, looking at around $100 but cheaper is good
e2270swdn probably the cheapest thing you can find in any computer shop. If you want HDMI, all you have to do is install a HDMI -> DVI adapter, and leave it in there permanently.
For less than that you will be buying off a private seller, try gumtree for that kind of thing.
Try this:…
20% off, with postage for $119.20, and add your DVI to HDMI dongle for $2 (of which I have several floating around).
Is it just me, or is this one of the most laziest post.
Do your own "laziest post" search! Or do you want me to check OzBargain for you to find out the answer for you? :)
Seriously, I am amazed at the number of questions like this with vague parameters, waiting for someone to make a decision for them. It takes less effort to do their own Google search…
I'm looking for a cheap meal for lunch
Thanks in advance
Pick something up second hand
Here are some examples you may need to get a cheap adapter for some of these
Just run a simple screen test when you go to pick up the montior ive bought 5 monitors second hand and have never had any issues
Buy an IPS panel.
More info would be useful…are you looking to pick up only or are you happy/need to pay for shipping?
Size/resolution requirements? Places like MSY will be a good starting point
Random example but $129 @ MSY( 21.5 inch 1080p monitor.