Hi all,
I was looking for a b'day pressie and found this deal. MSY have this at $899 so this is a pretty good deal!
Enjoy :)
Hi all,
I was looking for a b'day pressie and found this deal. MSY have this at $899 so this is a pretty good deal!
Enjoy :)
yeah technology advances every3-6 months. may i ask which graphic card you bought that became 200 months later?
Unless I'm mistaken, I think he may be implying this isn't exactly a deal. You could get 1080's for around 650 a few months ago.
Yes, yes, mining has taken a toll, but I wouldn't consider this a bargain at all, given you have been able to get 1080TI's imported for 850
That's not entirely right now. Many cards are sold out, and there is no way you can get a card for the prices they used to be 3 months ago…
… mining has taken a toll..
Where sold out now there coming back mining has slowed down people are starting to sell off these prices will start to fall in the coming weeks as they start to fill
1080s have been as low as ~640 recently
Rather get a 1080Ti for $980 than this
Or $895-917 recently.
Deal? ..technically it is for this specific product.. but buying this product is silly due to price of relevant competing products (1080ti's).
Can I be your friend?
Oooo so hard do i pull the pin and purchase this or wait and hope the prices drop, atm my gtx970 is doing fine, but but but the need to upgrade is there
Wait. This is not the deal for you. With mining slowing down and excess stock starting to be dumped. With the deals on 1080ti's for 850 - 950 constantly there must be some thing wrong in your head to take this deal.
I have a 980 and starting to slow a but on my 144hz 1440p gsynch
I keep scouring for deals but I think I will wait for that awesome deal
Blah need to stop scanning every 5 mins …
I know the feeling, but as soon as you do you miss the deal of a lifetime!!!
Same but with a 970 and a new Oculus Rift.
I love how people fall for the Ebay BS.
Same card with the so-called 20% off is now just a few $ less, since they bumped the price to $999.
It's crazy that my video card is worth $200 more many months later…