Hi I bought a Michael Kors watch on ebay, the seller has sent me a fake watch.
I can tell because the booklet has misprints and the watch is too light, the back case is misaligned. To an untrained eye, it would look genuine. I confronted the seller and she is saying it is genuine and she imported from USA. I want to take this matter to police as this is the third time in 3 years I have had fake watches delivered. I got the moneyback and returned their fakes but the time and effort is all gone to waste.
I want to teach the seller a lesson by giving it to police so that they can't keep claiming it is a genuine when they are selling fakes and wasting everybody's time.
What do you guys think?
Report the sellers to eBay for counterfeiting. They will just change shops but it will cause them inconvenience to buildup more feedback and maybe knock out another template store. I used to do this with the legions of chinese sellers selling fake Spyder Ski Jackets.