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World of Warcraft: Legion Expansion $42.55 Delivered @ EB Games eBay


Good price on the World of Warcraft expansion for anyone wanting to get back in the game. Digital download is $69.95. Comes up a little cheaper with CR.

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closed Comments

  • cool, one thing though, any included monthly subscription?

    • subscription is $16.50 a month

      • ty, might just give ESO a go!

        • +1

          It's a trap!

        • /gag

  • Nope, you will have to buy that separately

    • +1

      Looks like it can only be activated on the EU servers. It's the US servers you want to be on.

      • What? No way do you want to play with the shitty lag on US servers - play on the Oceanic realms for playable latency.

        Also, once you have a WoW account you can make characters on whatever realm/server you want in different regions, it's not region-restricted.

        • Regions are EU or NA. Oceanic realms are part of the NA servers.

        • @modtang:

          Why am I able to roll on EU servers and play with European friends then?

        • You can play on any region you want. You just need a separate licence for each.

        • @modtang:

          Nope, playing in EU region on the same account I use for NA region. You definitely don't need a seperate "licence" for different regions.

        • -1

          Sorry mate but you are wrong. I just tried on my own account and it doesn't work. Also, see blue post here : https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/16283668323

          "As others have already mentioned - for WoW, the Regions are differentiated and you'd need a license for whichever region you care to play."

  • +1

    Not a great price - it was $29 at JB Hifi a few weeks ago.

  • +1

    Well JB is selling it for $27 last month

    • Good price. What they selling them for now?

    • It was $29, not $27…

  • How many players is currently playing WoW?

    • Blizzard stopped releasing subscriber numbers because they kept dropping.

      • What was the peak number of players? Wasn't it like 6 million?

        • Peaked at around 12 million active subscriptions during Wrath of The Lich King - the tail end of the glory days.

          EDIT: There's a reason player numbers were so much higher back then - the game was better. Thank god for private servers running vanilla/TBC/WoTLK

  • +1

    Blizzard made to many negative changes to this game over the years, it doesn't even resemble the kind of game it was.

    Check out Elysium - private server with the vanilla version of the game before all the expansions, it's the most fun I've had in a video game in years. As a bonus it's OzBargain certified because no subscription required.

  • I just noticed 1 person bought 35 copies, he must of seen value in it.

    • How do you know this?

      • +1

        On the listing you can click how many were sold. They purchased another 32 copies, just going to resell them I suppose.

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