Rodent Issue in The Roof Space. Recommend Me a Rodent Pest Control in Melbourne?

Hey guys, having a rodent issue in the roof, i am looking for a pest control service that also involves blockage and sealing, rather than just typical throwing up bait into the attic.


Been having an issue with rodent activity in my roof attic. My roofing consists of tiles and a Colorbond section. I wake up at night (anywhere from 4 am to 7 am) as I hear a rodent trying to scurry into the attic.

I usually hear clanging (like steel clanging) which means its access point is somewhere in the Colorbond section, rather than the tiles. Its frustrating because the Colorbond roof looks fine, so I am assuming it sneaks itself under where the corrugated sheets meet with the gutters, so I am not sure what the hell to do since it'll be hard to block such an awkward spacing (it could be the entire gutter length!).

Anyway, this has lead me to seek some cheap IR camera to place on top of the roof and hopefully records whatever that I suspect to be true or happening. Ideally I will just plop it down where it views the suspected area of vision and then also rain-proof as it is winter in where I live.

Otherwise, Im happy to hear other remedies for this issue!

I am thinking of also hanging some camphor in the attic and hopefully this smell will deter future rodents and current ones of course from making a stay.

There is currently already poison in the attic (pest exterminator), but I think this remaining one is smart enough to realise it isn't good for its health.


Mod: Merged topics


hey guys thanks for your help ! Really appreciate it, pest controller came again and rebaited the roof for another good year or so.

One big problem is …
He has discovered that, because my house is somewhat old (30-40 year old?), the roofing at one section is pretty shoddy by today's standards (its an old method of doing a flat zinc roof), hence the flashings are just simple metal/zinc sheets placed along the actual guttering or roof boards within the roof space. He suggested that I could try replace that whole section into some newer roof with modern building standard codes. However that may be costly and more than what I envisioned for.

Alternatively, if i just left the roof as how it is, I'll probably have to consider baiting over and over again, and the biggest gripe is the bloody sound as they enter through the sheeting as it creates a huuuuge sound at night.

Opinions guys?

Apparently there is a rodent plague this winter as well


  • +6


  • Definitely bait as well. You might end up blocking them in the roof and they will go hellfire on you. Don't underestimate what rodents can chew through given enough time and motivation.

    • yup! I know, i had a pest controller recently who just put the blocks up, but now i want a professional who can attempt to at least bar physical entry!

      • I have a humane catch and release mouse trap and I've seen them attempt (and fail) to eat through the metal. But plastic/wood/plaster doesn't stand a chance. I walk them about a kilometer away and set them free. Rats though, you have to bait.

        Also try the throw-sachets from the supermarket. You can create you own cheaper with a box of pellets, brown paper bags, and a couple of staples.

        Living in the sticks I have to wage a constant war on mice and sometimes rats. There is nothing worse than chewing scratchy sounds coming through the roof.

        • dam how often do you experience them? I initially had already called a pest controller, who threw up blocks of bait. That seemed to work for a few month or two then i began to hear noises again. Its annoying how soon the turnover is or that they eat the blocks so fast.

      • Had a rodent control guy come round recently as had heard a few noises, doesn't help that our neighbour loves throwing her food out into her back yard and our shared front space for the birds to eat (everything from bread to Turkish delight).
        He recommended we make our surrounds as unwelcoming as possible (so did a huge clean up of back yard) and put a few bait traps around. Asked him about the roof as there are a few spots that had a slipped tile, which he was able to spot and fix up. But if you have issues with the roof and sealing I'd call in the roofing experts rather than pest control and hoping they also specialize in roofing. But hey there might be some places out there

        • thats fair about the roofing experts, although im sure they will be a hefty price :/

          Did your problem subside ? and do you still chuck up baits?

        • Hi original, thanks for this reply, here is an update:

          the pest controller came again and rebaited the roof for another good year or so.

          One big problem is …
          He has discovered that, because my house is somewhat old (30-40 year old?), the roofing at one section is pretty shoddy by today's standards (its an old method of doing a flat zinc roof), hence the flashings are just simple metal/zinc sheets placed along the actual guttering or roof boards within the roof space. He suggested that I could try replace that whole section into some newer roof with modern building standard codes. However that may be costly and more than what I envisioned for.

          Alternatively, if i just left the roof as how it is, I'll probably have to consider baiting over and over again, and the biggest gripe is the bloody sound as they enter through the sheeting as it creates a huuuuge sound at night.

          Apparently there is a rodent plague this winter as well

        • @zxblood:
          Hey mate yeh have heard the same. Our roof def needs some repairs as well but haven't heard an noises since (like you I hate it) plan is to fix up what we can and am planning on moving in next year or so, so for us we can't be bothered doing a full roof replacement. So might depend on your future plans..bring on summer lol

        • ahh wow interesting, I guess lucky for you in a sense haha! New house is epic to hear. Mines old and made like 30 years ago…. so not in the best state :/

  • +3

    Put a cat up there.

  • Merged from Rodent issue in the roof space

    Hi guys,

    Been having an issue with rodent activity in my roof attic. My roofing consists of tiles and a colorbond section. I wake up at night (anywhere from 4 am to 7 am) as I hear a rodent trying to scurry into the attic.

    I usually hear clanging (like steel clanging) which means its access point is somewhere in the colorbond section, rather than the tiles. Its frustrating because the colorbond roof looks fine, so I am assuming it sneaks itself under where the corrugated sheets meet with the gutters, so I am not sure what the hell to do since it'll be hard to block such an awkward spacing (it could be the entire gutter length!).

    Anyway, this has lead me to seek some cheap IR camera to place on top of the roof and hopefully records whatever that I suspect to be true or happening. Ideally I will just plop it down where it views the suspected area of vision and then also rain-proof as it is winter in where I live.

    Otherwise, Im happy to hear other remedies for this issue!

    I am thinking of also hanging some camphor in the attic and hopefully this smell will deter future rodents and current ones of course from making a stay.

    There is currently already poison in the attic (pest exterminator), but I think this remaining one is smart enough to realise it isn't good for its health.


    Otherwise, if anyone knows a good exterminator that can actually do physical blockages in any entry points, that would be suitable too [for VIC/Melb]. Most of them usually just throw up poison :/

    • Best bet is some traps with peanut butter and someone to seal the holes up try some scouring pads

    • Make sure the rodent dies outside the roof cavity. If not, the stench will last for weeks

    • +1

      Do you think it is rats or a possum?

    • Wo, wo, wo, jee
      O jee, je
      There's a rat in mi kitchen what am I gonna do?
      There's a rat in mi kitchen what am I gonna do?
      I'm gonna fix that rat, that's what I'm gonna do
      I'm gonna fix that rat

      Get a cat

    • Ratsak and some really strong metal sheets to block out the rodents. If you crawl into the attic during the day you should be able to find and see the holes via the sunlight escaping or coming into your attic. Patch that up asap and the rat bait the rest of the attic with either rat poison or rat traps. There are some electric ones now but they are a bit expensive. If you think there could be plenty you could try the bucket trick with water and a stick across with peanut butter to bait the rodents into falling into your drowning device.. plenty of videos on YouTube.

      But if it is a possum haha well gg man time to call the exterminator unless you don't mind having a bit of a larger tussle.

      A good learning tool for common rat control problems unfortunately they are in America.

      • Possums are easy, just put lights on the cavity. No dark spots means no sleep for Mr Possum, so he goes somewhere friendlier.

        I made a box for the last one, he wound up happy in there up in his tree.

        • Oh wow nice I did not know that cheers thanks. Today I learnt.

        • @AlienC: Yeah I was skeptical, but figured it didn't hurt to try it.

          Takes a few days before they bugger off.

          Read that if you get rid of one, another will move in later on. But because they're territorial, 'your' possum will stop others moving into the area. They'll also punch the crap out of the neighbourhood cats if they get too close.

          'Bruce' was a ringtail, so I decided he could stay. Dunno how they fare against cats, probably not too well.

          So I made 'Bruce' a box and he was happy up there, stayed out of the roof (I never did block the hole). Tossed him the occasional apple or banana and we got along just fine.

          Standing the backyard swearing and shaking my fist at him while he sat on the roof at 3 in the morning certainly didn't work.

      • thanks for your help ! Really appreciate it, pest controller came again and rebaited the roof for another good year or so.

        One big problem is …
        He has discovered that, because my house is somewhat old (30-40 year old?), the roofing at one section is pretty shoddy by today's standards (its an old method of doing a flat zinc roof), hence the flashings are just simple metal/zinc sheets placed along the actual guttering or roof boards within the roof space. He suggested that I could try replace that whole section into some newer roof with modern building standard codes. However that may be costly and more than what I envisioned for.

        Alternatively, if i just left the roof as how it is, I'll probably have to consider baiting over and over again, and the biggest gripe is the bloody sound as they enter through the sheeting as it creates a huuuuge sound at night.

        Opinions guys?

        Apparently there is a rodent plague this winter as well

    • Isn't it weird that we have two topics of rats in the roof posted within an hour of each other? Sometimes I think we are being trolled.

  • -1

    Wo, wo, wo, jee
    O jee, je
    There's a rat in mi kitchen what am I gonna do?
    There's a rat in mi kitchen what am I gonna do?
    I'm gonna fix that rat, that's what I'm gonna do
    I'm gonna fix that rat

    Get a cat

    (Credit to UB40, JIMB0 and cats)

  • Last time I did this search I could only find an American one. Can't remember what they said but something like don't look for just pest controllers but wildlife something something's so that they can do what you just said in your description and not just throw up pest control device.

    Edit: found the American website if you want to have a read in case you want to scrub up on your pest control knowledge. Pretty comprehensive.

  • Pest glue, surgical masks and gloves works for us. Not that we have pests in our home.

  • +3

    Hi, Zxblood,
    I live in Melbourne too at Southeast region. Many years ago like your case my roof got many mice /rates. They used to make noises over the night. Upon recommaention by my neighbour, I bought two packets of Ratsak from Woolworths . I spread them over in the attic . True enough sometimes later no more runnings and noises. Must be dead all. Don't worry over the smell as after taking the poisonous baits those rats became blind and thirsty and they would rush outside the house. Hope this would help your case.

    • hi damamaria! Thanks for this reply! I pretty much have done the same, do you often rebait your attic and do you bother fixing up any entry points?

      • Zxblood,
        Think I have only repeated this bait once or twice during the past 30 years. Yes my house is also an old one. Luckily they have not appeared for almost the last 7 to 8 years. I got once the possums in too.Perhaps they did eat the bait too and gone because of the bail.I suggest you lay the bait on more spots in the attic . Should be effective . Good luck.

        • hi maria!

          Wow thats really good to hear, I'd be glad if that happened to me! Stay gone and gone (forever).

          I had that pestie controller come in and he said he put about 8 months worth of bait up there. We'll see how that goes and hopefully they all die and NO NEW ONES COME IN AT ALLLLL.

          Weren't you a bit worried when they first get in… it could mean future ones come in too? How old would you say your house is too btw?

          Thanks again

  • Hi, Zxblood,
    I think you are worrying too much. Well , my house is now more than 40 years old. When I first moved in year 1989, there were plenty of small mice because the previous owner owned some birds in the cage and apparently he was too lazy to clean thos droppings by the birds attracting those little ones. As said I laid those baits here and there. Soon they had gone. But some many years later they moved to my roof attire where they made noises every night. Again I spread the baits here and there up there, and again the noise disappeared. Thereafter never have the trouble makers any more. Those baits are cheap and they are available either at Coles or Woolworths. Go and do the job. It will be o.k. for you soon, trust me.

    • thats very reassuring maria! Similar story too, we used to own chickens and that probably slowly attracted the rodents due to food being spread all over the garden (chickens are messy eaters). I think they came when i still had chickens, but i just never noticed enough at the attic. Chickens are gone now, and its been a week and a bit since the pestie put up bait. hopefully this kills the whole lot and be lucky not to experience any new ones! :P

      How long did it take you to clear out the attic ones? Probably a few weeks?

  • Hi,Zxblood,
    Well , I remember it was about one week time or ten days. I think those mice after having the baits became blind and felt very thirsty then they ran out outside . Strange I had never seen their corpses ! I did not waste time to find out why. Satisfied and happy that there was no more noise up there in the attic.

    • hey maria, thanks again.

      My mum said she no longer hears much (we switched rooms so i could get better sleep at nights). Hopefully what she said is true and remains that way too !

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