Currently stocked with over 5000 handbags, we are looking to sell them cheap and clear them to make room for new stock. Every handbag no matter the brand or retail will be yours at no charge at the presentation of a valid VIP Ticket. We deal with all Myer and David Jones ex demo / overstock so there are plenty of big brands such as Wayne Cooper, Jag, Basque, Cellini, DKNY, Guess and much more.
There is strictly no refund, you will have to choose a handbag or we can put a credit of $20 towards other items that we sell. Unfortunately we cannot cater to everyones liking, there will be heaps to choose from however if there is nothing to your liking, you can always choose a cheap xmas gift.
There is no limit on how many tickets you wish to purchase, the more your purchase the more handbags you will get. This will be allocated at a first come first serve basis. Tickets are $20 and eventbrite charge a $2.08 processing fee.
Massive Warehouse Clearance
28 / 189B South Centre Road
Tullamarine, VIC 3043
What happens if the goods are not fit for purpose or are faulty? Do you do refunds then?