2,000 Bonus Flybuys (Worth $10) on Purchase of Any David Jones, Hoyts, Netflix, Typo Gift Cards @ Coles.
Bonus points can only be collected once per Flybuys household.
Starts Wednesday July 26. Enjoy :)
2,000 Bonus Flybuys (Worth $10) on Purchase of Any David Jones, Hoyts, Netflix, Typo Gift Cards @ Coles.
Bonus points can only be collected once per Flybuys household.
Starts Wednesday July 26. Enjoy :)
Or at least a $10 card.
Can someone tell me what the trick is to getting Flybuy promos, I've never received one ever?
The trick is you need to give the cashier your flybuys card when u pay
@suicine94: i wish my nearby Coles has "chick" working there by any chance. most of the time only "dude" cashier. Hence the reason why my flybuys points and promo offer not up to par.
the trick is to keep shopping at Coles
I do, almost every day and I use my Flybuys every single time.
Don't think I've ever gone a week for a long time without doing that.
shop twice a day. They'll notice you sooner or later
Check your Spam box :) Or your communication preferences on Flybuys
I might try showering and wearing something sexy when I go.
Tried telling them at one store that I know Tightarse but they kicked me out.
Lol… all jokes aside. Create a new card and tick every single marketing box to increase your chances of getting Coles promo.
try not shopping at coles for a while, they might target you to get you to return? probably not high on their list of people to attract if you already shop there regularly.
A magician never reveals their secrets…
change your settings on Flybuys. I get the emails for both mine and my mother's flybuys and she gets probably 1/10th of the bonus points offers I get. I'm 24, living in a defacto with no kids. She's almost 50 and has dad and my brother at home.
I also think it's funny that some of my flybuy emails read spend $30 and get 2000 points and she'll get an email at the same time saying spend $90 and get 2000 points. And I don't think it matters how often you shop there because on weeks where I don't frequent Coles is when I get sent a lot of offers, so maybe that means they're trying to entice me to shop whereas they know you shop there almost daily as you said below. Hope this helps :)
Nice. Time to top up the Netflix account
Generally, how long before a Netflix Card expires?
Havent you already thanks to that Singapore deal?
Can you buy non-Coles gift cards at Coles with a Coles Myer giftcard?
I know Woolworths egiftcards let you buy other vendor gift cards, does anyone know if the same applies to Coles giftcards?
I have been able to at my local coles in PLenty Valley VIC with no issues
So you've bought other gift cards (like those listed above) and paid using Coles gift cards?
Was this done at the self serve checkout or normal checkouts?
I have a few times.
It seems to error on the self serve checkouts now but then I get directed to the front counter and they manually over ride it for me some how.
Any one know if 'any' refers to smaller denomination of those vouchers and if coles has any smaller denominations available?
What i'm still wondering.. Picture has $50 card, but writing seems to 'imply' whatever netflix card you buy you'll get points..
I don't see an offer on my flybys.
(Starts July 26)
How many cards can I purchase for this offer?
edit my bad i clicked the link. Maybe time i create another flybys account lol.
One per household
Can I redeem Netflix gift cards when my Netflix account is billed via iTunes?
Yes, Netflix will first deduct the amount from your credits (gift cards) and then any extra amount would be deducted from your iTunes linked card.
Nice nice.
Can anyone remind me on 26th? :P
Wow thanks OP!!!
I've not noticed this feature before either, thanks!
As requested, I remind you, of what I do not know.
Can you return gift cards?
Nah you can't. At least not at Woolworths
So, to be clear, you can only claim a single 2000 point reward on your Flybys… ie: no stacking?
Yeah, no stacking. As stated in OP:
Bonus points can only be collected once per Flybuys household.
Thanks Silver'. I'll be sure to tell my friends and family (other households) to grab a Netflix gift card to save them all $10. Share the love, and cheers OP!
Says one per flybuys household.
Presumably can't just do a chain of transactions to save 10 bucks multiple times then?
No cos you still living in the same house even if you di chain of transactions.
You should read. Its one per house hold not one per transaction.
This is OzBargain. What's the cheapest gift card we can buy to qualify?
Netflix has $20 cards, which is the lowest I think.
Awesome, thanks.
Should mention that the $20 giftcards are just enough for 2 months of the "Basic" plan (at $9.99 per month), which only allows 1 active device and no HD quailty.
Does Hoyst have $20 cards?
Nope. The lowest hoyts one is $30.
Only 1 per Flybuys household, that's really useless compare Woolies.
Can I pay with a coles gift card?
Already asked and answered above
What's the definitive answer - seems like "maybe"
Officially you can't. Self service will never let you so it's only if a staff member is prepared to overwrite it but if they do it's not the norm.
@Slo20: I bought Hoyts one, paying with Coles gift card on shelf service. Need staff member to authorize the gift card activation, but after she did that, she just left so I could pay with any method I want. No overwrite needed
Now you cannot convert the 5% discounted coles egift cards into coles group gift cards (tho ones that can be used in coles express, 1st choice, liquorland, kmart, etc) because they have upgraded all checkout systems and it just will not allow it even if the staff member tries to override it.
And apparently even third party giftcards are not always allowed (depending on staff member serving you?).
So they are not only going to lose the fuel business (coles express is always more expensive) but also the alcohol business as Dan Murphy matches any 1st choice price and can be paid with 5% discounted ewish cards.
I'll have to check if my cards are coles group or standard coles.
They're not 5% discounted ones (I am not a member of a service that offers them, nor am I aware of any) but Giftpay ones.
I just signed up with Lumo and their rewards program does offer 5% discount on both Woolworths and Coles GCs, but they then charge a 1% CC fee on top of that. They do accept Amex, but you don't get any bonus points if paying with a card that gives points for grocery purchases, as it's processed via Edge Rewards.
I actually buy itunes cards from Officeworks (15% mostly) and then Netflix comes out as a 15% discount as its billed via itunes :) Any other way to stack a discount ?
This does not appear to be available in WA - instead, there is a 20% off iTunes gift cards promo.
I bought a $20 card from Coles and used my Flybuys card, but the extra points (and the transaction, for that matter) haven't appeared yet in my account. I guess there's some time delay.
The promotion only just started today …
Sorry for not being clear, but I just bought it this morning. I don't usually watch my Flybuys account closely, so I'm not sure what kind of delay to expect.
For a point of reference, If I buy everyday items from coles today that earn points, they will show up about 9pm the day after purchase. For these kinds of promos, I think they show up a couple of days after the promo finishes from memory.
Did same. Will see how goes; worst case got 20 card for 20. Hunch is itll be 2000 points with purchase of any 'of the pictured' yadda yadda cards, ie 50 in the case of Netflix (with clarification left off). Seems strange theyd offer same bonus across all card denominations.. but love to be wrong.
I was at Coles today, picked up a $20 Netflix voucher and thought the same thing - so I decided against it and left it.
How long till your points are added? Doesn't state an amount figure, just 'any'
Just bought a $20 Netflix gift card using a Coles eGift card I got using credit card points (I scanned the barcode of the eGift card from my phone screen).
This was done at a traditional check out (not self serve). The checkout guy was willing to try to let me buy it with an eGift card and said he knew you can't buy Coles gift cards or iTunes with gift cards but some others might work.
So it worked, the checkout guy was pretty happy cos now he said he'd do it too as he can get discounted gift cards and stack it with his staff discount.
Have not yet seen the bonus FlyBuys points but from memory last time it took a few days.
Is this targeted? It's not in this week's catalogue and nothing on my flybuys account.
Was near the end of the catalogue. (VIC Metro)
It could be. I had an offer in my (dad's) FlyBuys account for this offer that I just activated. Which sucks because I bought a DJs Gift Card yesterday before I activated the offer …
Can't be targeted if in the catalogue…
Got my 2000 points!
@lokesh7: $50 as I believe that's the lowest value you can purchase in Coles (there weren't many left at the World Square store)
Did you have to activate offer in your flybuys account.?
I bought the card yesterday, then it shows up on my flybuys offers page today to be activated
For those who are charity minded, buying bargain Pre-paid Visa cards and then using them for charity contributions is a great way to do it.
I was able to get about $1,000 worth early in the year for this purpose. I think that it was on an Amex deal.
And claim the full Visa Card value on your tax.
Also a lot of charities do not accept AMEX.
And so everyone wins!!
OOPS!! My comment was meant for the Coles $100 Vanilla VISA Card offer post.
I believe it doesn't get automatically applied. You need to login to your Flybuy account and accept the offer. Similar to Amex offers where you logged to your account first and then purchase.
You won't need to accept any offer to get the points.
I got the offer on my flybuys account though. Just saw it today
It may be best to call in to check the availability of some gift cards. I visited Coles Fairfield and Coles Fairfield Heights and both ran out of Netflix cards and were low on David Jones.
Did you mean Fairfield West?
There were lots of DJs ones left at Fairfield
Bonus points have been credited to my account this evening, after buying a $20 Netflix card yesterday morning. Yay!
Same. Good stuff. As said earlier was skeptical but took a chance; happy i'm wrong.
Oh nice so the $20 Netflix does work. Awesome!
Can I buy $1 gift cards?