Credit Card Chargeback Period

I triedt o do a chargeback recently via CBA, but got told its 30 days period,

years ago I remember doing a chargeback via CBA and it must have been 4 -6 months later,

whats the average chargeback period accross the banks ?

I hear about chargebacks done months down the track.

also, can you do a chargeback for a paypal transaction?


  • This sounds like something you could google yourself and find the answer for…. try googling a few banks you are interested in and their chargeback policies.

  • +5

    be careful with doing a chargeback via PayPal and then your CC. Here's my story:

    About 9 months ago I was in the US, bought some tickets to a themepark through a 3rd party company (sort of like Telstra Thanks) with the promise that the tickets would be delivered within 48 hours. Tickets never arrived, spent over 3 hours on hold with them trying to get it sorted but they kept claiming that there was nothing they can do until AFTER 48 hours. Went to the themepark and purchased tickets at the gate.

    Got home and lodged a refund request through PayPal. Declined, even after escalating the dispute as PayPal kept advising that "the tickets were delivered" (which they weren't). Lodged a chargeback with my CC, which was approved and i received a full refund.

    About a week later, I receive an email from PayPal that my account has been limited. Basically, they are saying that I did a "double dispute" and I need to pay them back the full amount that my CC refunded me. I told them, numerous times and I must have spoken to 3/4 of PayPal, to show me where in my account history there's a refund for X amount? They couldn't but they refused to lift the account limit.

    It was only about 3 weeks ago when PayPal finally realised that I didn't receive any sort of refund from them and they lifted my limiting…

  • If only banks listed this information somewhere the user can find it, oh wait, its in their terms and conditions….

  • I've only ever done a dispute with AMEX, but the service was great. It was all done on online banking and I never needed to pick up the phone once. It was for $800 so not a small amount. PayPal protection period has passed. Within 3 days and after providing all information they needed, money was credited back onto my card. I can only hope your experience with CBA will be the same

    • CBA has a relatively lax history of issuing refunds from what I've been advised.

      A friend working in collections told me that there was automatic refunds of up to certain amounts for disputes on credit cards (can't remember how much, I think it was $200 or $1000). I asked someone else who was a former CBA branch manager and was told the limit depends on the credit, spending and dispute history of the customer filing it, which makes sense I guess.

      • I think it was $200 or $1000

        I find that very hard to believe. In fact I would bet my left nut it wasn't that high.

        Under $25 or $50…maybe

        • It costs more than $50 for a bank to investigate an unauthorised transaction, it's about marginal cost outweighing marginal benefit.

  • +2

    It's not the banks who determine the chargeback time, it's whichever card provider it is.

  • 120 days (for most cases)

  • T&Cs say 30 days on CBA, seems like a rather short period

    120 days would be great

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