Current status is Married and has one baby boy. I'm in mid-thirties and working as a professional for more than 10yrs now. Bachelors Degree holder but no qualification in Australia. All from overseas.
Working for the same company for the past 4.5yrs since I moved to Australia - Family business, has global presence - about 200 staff globally
Salary started at 55k + 5k Car allow + 10k capped commission - (inclusive of Super)
Salary now at 70k + 10k Car allow + 10k capped commission + unlimited fuel card (both personal and business ave. 2k/yr) - (all Inclusive of Super)
Company has great culture and people, generally no pressure working as product specialist/manager (IT products) but getting bored lately and has me thinking if applying for a bigger organization is worth taking the risk for a higher pay?
I've never tried other companies since moving to Australia so no idea if i am being paid fairly low or above average.
I've seen Job posting for a similar role that goes upto 115-130k/year and I feel like those role is even much easier than what I do.
I know those roles might have pressure to go along with higher pay but I'd like to think that I can handle challenges usually.
with a baby, we are heavier on expenses especially soon will be starting on child care.
My question is do you think I am being paid fairly compared to yours with my current role and salary? Let me know how much you are earning and what role and probably years on that role. (ideally technology products related)
Why would you want to earn 70k when you could be earning double that?
I was the same as you last year, but after deciding I needed to make a drastic change I have not looked back and earning 40% more than what I was on. Working in a multinational now (compared to a SME before).
No risk no reward