65M7000UWG vs 65n6 At good guys around the same price. Which is better? Also I can't find any of the hisense 75" or 70" around any more: are they discontinued. What would be best bang for buck at my price point. Ideally would pick one up soon. Otherwise would have to wait for another great deal
$3k 65" Tv Budget
rowshow on 14/07/2017 - 21:47
$3k is not a "budget"
I have $3000 as a budget to buy a tv …. or am I missing the joke here
Soniq (I'm pretty sure it was soniq) had a recent pre-sale/preorder for 75" TVs for ~$2650
Yeah wanted to steer clear of them again… looking at hisense or a pana that's going around for $2195 gong to check it out today
Holy crap $3k seems like a lot of money for a tv.