Win a PlayStation 4 Pro 1TB Jet Black Console & WipEout Bundle Worth $615 or 1 of 9 WipEout Prize Packs from Sony

Entry Requirements
Submit your remix for Shake It by Addiktion, as follows:
1. Sign up for/into SoundCloud and visit the PlayStation Europe SoundCloud website.
2. Go to the playlist called Addiktion 'Shake It (WipEout Instrumental Edit)', hover over the stems of the playlist ('Addiktion Stems'), click More and then Download.
3. Using digital audio workstation software, create your own remix using one or more of the Addiktion Stems as well as your own audio stems.
4. Visit, click ‘Add your files’ and upload your Remix (.wav file format only).
5. Enter the email address [email protected] in the ‘Email to’ box, insert your email address in the ‘Your email’ box, insert your full name in the Message box and click Transfer.Entries judged based upon the originality and creativity.
MAJOR ($614.90)
1. PlayStation 4 Pro 1TB Jet Black console.
2. WipEout Omega Collection PS4 disc game.
3. The opportunity to have the winning Remix patched into the WipEout Omega Collection PS4 game and added to the PlayStation™ Music “WipEout Omega Collection” Spotify playlist.MINOR x 9 ($63.46)
1. WipEout Omega Collection PS4 disc game.
2. WipEout Omega Collection T-shirt (various sizes).
oh easy as, i'll whip up some bleep blorp on a toilet break.