Since July 2017 the government has implemented a new scheme for first home buyers so that they can use their super to contriubte part of the deposit.
The articles I've read give an overview of the scheme, but dont really explain how to go about it.
I know that you cant use existing super, only from contributions made from 1 July 2017, a maximum of 15,000 a year, for a total of 30,000 and can only be accessed from 1 July 2018.
My questions.
If I wanted to go down this path and use some of my super to help with a house deposit, do I need to set up that account, or will all the super I normally pay (and my employer pays) be able to be used later?
What about the money that my invested super generates, will this count towards money I can use for a deposit? If so, will it just be the earnings from the portion of my super that got put in since july? Does it work this way, or is it paid a rate of interest?( if thats the case, it really makes me believe it has to be set up as a seperate account)
How does contributing extra work? I am a teacher, I think that I pay 5% and my employer pays 7.5%….How much are they obliged to match? Would this be a good way to reach the $15,000 yearly limit? I'm not very versed in the tax benefits of super, I'm still young-ish and havnt done much with super except select my investment strategies etc.
Be mindful that the scheme hasn't actually been legislated yet.
My understanding is that it will be only for voluntary contribution, so not what your employer pays.