• expired

Bargain Voda CAP $20 = $150 + 200MB + Unlimited Voda+3

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$ 20
Per Month Sim Only

$150 calls to anyone


200MB data


UNLIMITED Vodafone to Vodafone & 3

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Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    ain't no bargain. Its just the regular $20 sim only cap by Voda!

    Would you like me to post the entire 3 catalog?

  • No i wouldn't!

    Check out what you can get from other carriers for $20


  • guys if u want vodafone plans might as well get 3.
    jsut signed up to 14.50 per month (first 12, second 12 months is $29) for $180 worth of calls, 200mb data and free calls to 3 and vodafone!

    • This is no contract, month by month.

      Your suggestion is 24 months contract.

    • +2

      Doesn't 3 have the crappiest reception in Australia?

      Even with their Vodafone merger, Vodafone still has better reception than 3.

      • -1

        Sorry! I just painfully found out that actually optus is the worst! After 21months, I will definately move back to 3.

        • +1

          I found optus to have very slow download speeds.

      • +1

        Guess it depends on your location. At my place, 3 signal is really sh.. I wanted to throw my 3 phone away so many times but cannot (still on contract). But my Optus signal on another phone is quite good.

    • Did you get a free phone or sim only? Tell you didn't sign a 24 month contract for sim only!

  • Actually looks good.
    Cannot find if it's regular pre-paid, a contract or month to month?

    *[month to month] (question answered above) Thanks!

  • -2

    this site is for bargains, this is just a normal deal at its normal price.

    • +17

      What about when TPG upgrades their plans and everyone does a circle jerk? Same thing. So it IS a bargain.

      • +2


      • +1 to that… TPG deals that get 180 votes aren't deals either… They're forum topics.

  • +2

    So is every other TPG post and etc. It might not be a deal for you or me, but there are people with Telstra or Optus who are paying higher and gets nothing. So this post is bringing awareness. So give davidjohn a break people.

  • +2

    This deal has always been around, tho from memory they might've upped the data from 50MB.

    Plus I prefer the bargain of a free phone (or the money I get from selling off said phone) under a contract. Especially if you're an NRMA member ;)

    Only an alright deal for those always changing network providers or have cashflow issues (in which case you'd go prepaid anyways).

    • +1

      It didn't use to have unlimited free to voda and three, I remember there was a limit, so they changed that.

  • Not a bargain as this deal has always been around (I have been on this plan for a while now).

    Not even a new deal like TPG, so forum will be more appropriate.

  • Not a deal.

    Or I could post TPG's $19.95 cap and all the other providers

    • +3

      tpg cap has been posted already and that got lots of votes

      TPG Mobile New Talk & Text Cap Plans (54 votes)
      - http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/29879

      so good to know that voda has a comparable plan with pros and cons
      voda pro mainly being unlimited voda to voda and 3

  • +9

    In "davidjohn383" defense this deal hasn't been posted before. I didn't know about it and I'm sure many other oz-bargainers didn't know about it.

    Also note TPG and LiveConnected month by month plans may be cheaper. But at least you get unlimited vodafone and three calls.

    The only draw-back with month to month is if you spend more than $150 you get a big bill. Would be better if they had this deal on standard Pre-Paid! Not quite good enough for me to jump on this deal.

  • -5

    So with your argument I can post the $35 sim only cap too, and the next cap up from that. And every TPG cap as separate bargains?

    In the spirit of things then $35 sim only cap, month by month, $350 worth of calls, 500mb data, free calls to 3 and vodafone unlimited anytime.

    This would be much better in the forum

  • +7

    It's a bargain. Stop hatin'.

  • reads all the rants err….thanks?

  • +2

    this belongs in the forums i believe.

  • -5

    Bargain? This is closer to to being a 'rip-off'. Keep trying though; you've get there buddy.

  • +1

    This is a bargain for some of us!!! i believe the $20 cap was not eligible for unlimited 3 to 3 and voda to 3 call. the cheapest one will be $29 and $35 for the sim only month by month cap

    I would call this my self a bargain, as i call mainly to 3 and Voda no.

    To make it clear, the bargain is, for those who contact mainly 3 and voda, you dont need to spend that extra $9 bucks or $15 to get the unlimited 3 to 3

  • Interesting.

    Think this is better here than the forums, people can't see value anymore? No wonder there's not as many deals published anymore.

  • +1

    You can essentially get the same plan inclusion from TPG for $9.99. Not a bargain.

  • +1

    Definitely not a bargain. It's much better to get a $29 cap on Three with their "half off the first year" deal. It comes to about $21 a month but you get the benefits of being on a $29 cap.

    • +1

      However this plan is without a 24months contract so you can cancel anytime.

      • Ah I didn't see that.

  • There is irregularity with the vodafone website. If you click on the plan in vodafone.com.Au, you get this page:


    It says for $20, you get only $200 of vodafone/3 calls. This is consistent to the brochures in the shop.

    So is this a new deal? Or an error?

    • I realised that since i signed onto this cap half a month ago.
      In fact, there was a period when it stated 500MB of data.

      The only response i get for voda cust help are really stupid answers.

      • This is exactly what voda reply was.

        Hi, i have come to notice through "my vodafone" that only 100MB is included in my $20 Sim-only cap, which i applied for just today.
        However, the website
        (http://store.vodafone.com.au/sim-only-caps-mobile-phone-plan…) does state that it includes 500MB of data a month, not 100MB.
        This was my impression of the Cap's content when i signed up. I am not impressed with with having only 100MB of data, which is clearly not what was promised.

        Voda's reply:
        Thank you for your patience.
        Vodafone apologises for the delay in responding to your enquiry within our normal time frames, and regret any inconvenience this may have caused. We understand that due to this delay, you may have utilised other avenues to resolve your query.
        Please note that Vodafone are unable to assist with handset upgrade or mobile internet technical issues via email. For assistance with these queries, please call Vodafone on 1555 from your Vodafone handset or 1300 650 410 from a landline.
        If you still require assistance via email, please advise us within 72 hours, and we will respond as soon as possible. Alternatively the answer to your enquiry may be found by registering and accessing the My Vodafone website.
        Kind regards,
        Vodafone Correspondence Team

        (Me thinks: "WTF has my complaint got to do with handset upgrade or mobile internet technical issues")

        • I think that's just an automated/templated email answer. Heck, even a CS on phone can answer with repeated non-sense sentences.

        • If you don't reply to the automated email, they will just assume that the information fixed your problem. I had a billing issue and ignored a similar email as it had nothing to do with my problem - next email was a 'glad it's all sorted' message.

  • despite all the negs (with good reasons), i found this very beneficial to me, because i've always wanted to go on $20 sim only cap with three, but three doesn't provide unlimited free call to 3 & voda and only 100mb given. I didn't know vodafone offers better deals than three does considered they already merged.

    • Voda and 3 will offer EXACTLY the same content and value. I would advise you against believing what the site says.

      • emm thx for the heads up! =)

  • Pretty poor deal.
    Sorry fella.

    • very true..

  • sorry davidjohn I mistook this as a 24 month contract. in that case I think it is a good deal. Thank you for the post

    • +1

      LOL it is a good deal but it is the normal pricing it is not a bargain sorry! Its like saying something with a RRP is a bargain.

      • I think this is a very good deal.

        Machej, be careful what you say. They don't want us to know that we are onto them.

  • I've just called Vodafone and the dude on the other side said it's wrong.

    He said it should be 100mb NOT 200mb.

    Anyone had this problem?

    • and they will tell you it's not unlimited vod/3 minutes, but only 200mins.

      It's called bait and switch, and it's illegal.

      • try here: http://store.vodafone.com.au/sim-only-caps-mobile-phone-plan… for the deal. Shows 100MB & $200 worth V2V/V23 calls.

        But then clicked on their new online store (currently under trial?) & saw an ad for the same plan offering only 50MB. WTH?? OP's link & deal is from this new online system when u look for it under the plans.

        EDIT: negged deal as it seems it isn't currently available as advertised

  • +1

    TPG & Liveconnected have such better plans and deals!

  • This isn't a new deal, or even a good deal.

    • +1

      I think this could possibly be a deal.. But it's more suitable to be in the forum.

  • I am on liveconnected and pay $5 a month for $120 worth of calls and 200mb of data. However, liveconnected and tpg are not for everyone as you get what you pay for. Especially liveconnected have poor customer service where there are only contactable by email. So, I can't personally recommend them to my friends or family. However, with vodaphone you can as they are one of the big ones and people would be comfortable to switching to them. Most of people I know spend $30 to get similar value and are on contract. This one is great and seems like will soon become a norm.

  • Hardley a bargain….Liveconnected + tpg ftw

  • +1

    i have tpg and the service is find, i have called up to enquire about stuff

    price is good too
    19 bucks
    300 for non tpg callers, 300 for tpg callers and 500mb data

    • TPG's new $19.99 plan excludes 13xx numbers.

      • +1

        and doesn't include 1800 numbers aswell

        but do you really need to call these numbers on ur mobile?

        and ACC are on the case for it aswell lol
        it might chnage heheh

  • IF $20 Voda doesn't mean bargain for you, don't click the link!

  • Everyone in my family is with 3 so if I switch to this plan, can they call me for free as well?

    • Only if they are on a similar plan that offers free calls to voda/3.

    • +1

      The plan is offered by both 3 and Voda.
      Both gives $150 + 100mb + unlimited voda/3

      In your case, you should stick to Three, but change to Three's version of the above cap.

      For voda, see above.
      For three's plans, go to http://www.three.com.au/cs/ContentServer?c=Page&pagename=Thr…

      Just to let everyone know, if you can find a plan on vodafone, you would find the exactly same plan for 3. Voda and 3's plans are on a 1-to-1 equivalency.
      The only significant difference is:
      For 3, sms local = 25cents , sms international = 45cents
      For voda, sms = 28cents regardless local or international.

  • +2

    Again, I find this "should be posted on forum" thing funny. dmc900's post is great.

    1) Lets face it. Not everyone checks the forum. I'm sure much more people check the deals page than the forum and this would've been missed by many, had it been posted there instead of as a deal.
    2) Sure, it may be normal RRP but as dmc900 has already mentioned, this has never been posted before. Think of what this plan offers: unlimited 3/voda. It may not be the cheapest monthly plan without a contract, but for what it offers (unlimted 3/voda calls), there is nothing better. If you can find something better/cheaper, which offers a similar product, then post it here. Only then can this no longer be considered a bargain.
    3) The fact that this has no contract makes it that much better. I don't know how many people realise how long 24 months is in the world of technology.

  • I just checked the link and you only get 100mb of data and 200 mins to vodafone/three. Have they changed it?

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