• expired

Free Coke Zero at Various Train Stations


There're 4 x full height coke vending machines on top of Wynyard station, take the escalators.
Starts at 11:30am everyday, all cans are free.

More are reported to be at Central station Brisbane, Sydney, Martin Place, maybe others.

Don't know how long they'll be there for.

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    • -4


      Mods, would it be possible to implement two kinds of vote:

      • One that is not anonymous.
      • One that is anonymous, yet, requires a statement as to why anonymity is sought.

      The likelihood of approval for anonymity could perhaps be improved by making a reply that contributes to the forum on some very basic level.

      This could apply to both positive and negative voting.

      • +3

        May I know how this would help improve Ozbargain? I find the current voting and commenting system good enough actually..

      • I suggest you start a thread on the forum.

    • I'm not drinking coke anymore.

  • Sodium Benzoate in Coke to prevent it from going mouldy…
    + Vitamin C <<< Will be in your normal diet.

    => Dangerous mix

  • +1

    How come these negs haven't come up in the past when there have been 24/32 can pack deals at woolworths/safeway?

    • +5

      Here is the process: when a deal makes people happy and gets them to give this many positive votes as a result, some people feel inadequate because they don't have any share in it. Instead of enjoying the deal like everyone else, these people try to trash the deal and ruin the fun for everybody to redeem their pathetic selves.

      • +1

        Erm… Aren't there only 2 negative votes?

        The rest are just "drink responsibly" ads.

        My opinion. lol.

        In other words, store them… Unless they are expiring…
        In that case… Maybe it's not such a good drink after all.

    • Because this deal is only for ZERO coke…

  • +6


  • +3

    i like biscuits

  • +2
    • sips scotch * the best killer known to man:)
    • -2

      What about woman? They can kill too I hear. Slowly….

  • +3

    I called a coca cola amatil early
    one morning, like 4 am I think and asked them how much sugar was in coke sero, after a brief pause , they said none lol

    • +2

      tnere is no sugar in coke sero

      • +7

        i cann't spel porperly eithar

        • Why does it taste sweet then? It makes no sense!

          • +8

            @Yuri Lowell: Coz it's free…can't get any sweeter taste than that dude! :)

      • It was a prank call dude:p

      • Really? I would never have guessed that!

  • +2

    Meh don't like coke.

    In fact I barely like any soft drinks. Can't benefit from this =(

    • +2

      well then go away, no need to write this.

      • HAHA I don't know why I found that funny even though you were telling me to go away.

  • -1

    Sigh if only coke still contained cocaine.. or there were cocaine vending machines.. I'm kidding I'm kidding..

    • even then you needed x1000+ of old coke, which you would die by sugar or liquid overdose by the time coce even had the tiniest bit of effect.

  • +1

    Wow, 90 votes already! Really generous of Coke, but I'd probably be one of the minorities who'd stay clear even if it was free..

  • anyone know why theyre doing this?

    • +3

      A promo most likely. They want to get you hooked on the stuff.

    • It's not unusual in the city to find people giving away free stuff. Walk a few blocks and you'll get handed a card, discount voucher, occasionally free samples, etc. Various energy drink companies used to hire models to wonder around the city and give away their drinks, I forgot what the drinks were but I remember the models. :)

      Unfortunately the free coke machines at Wynyard disappeared this afternoon, it was there in the morning, maybe they moved it to another station.

      • +1

        LOL at the "remembered the models" ;)
        Vitamin water is sometimes given out.

      • Yeah, my work colleagues and I got a heap of the Berocca twist top bottles from the promo girls in the city and gave it to our colleague for his birthday. Lolz.

        Bear in mind, they were expiring within the month which is probably why they were giving them away.

  • I'm so relieved ozb is full of sensible, reasonable people, judging from the appropriate use of neg- comment votes lol.

    i had to fight a fair bit harder on whirlpool!

  • +1

    have fun with the coles and wollies posts
    where they have things like chips (high in salt)
    bad tv dinners
    and coke
    plenty to negative

    • don't forget the toilet paper lol!!

  • who isn't addicted to coke zero…already

  • +1

    Are there any in Victoria?

  • Hope these machines are back when I start work in January :)

  • Coke zero tastes like shit.

    • +4

      WOW, you bothered to really try 'shit'. It looked kinda like chocolate mousse, was tempted to try, but when i went to put a spoon towards it, that aroma of manure and stale beer put me off. Tell me, how did you get past that to try 'shit'? Was it smooth and light like gelato or was it thick and crunchy like Kraft peanut butter? Did your friends comment on your breath or did you brush your teeth after eating? Do tell, love to hear from someone who is experienced in tasting 'shit'.

      • didn't you know? Turd is a piece of shit! haha

        • Yea man! I just taste myself :P

  • All gone at Brisbane Central station. Signs up on the machines saying "offer over"

  • apparently today 26th sept. was there last day…scored myself a couple :D

  • -2

    you know what would improve ozbargain - if people stop playing politics and just post deals and read deals, disable comments altogether

    • Even burmese army generals love ozbargain !

    • You don't have to read the comments if you don't want to.

  • -3

    my hubby was a healthy 28 yr old, who went on a health kick and started drinking coke zero and diet coke(approx 1 ltr per day). Within 6 months he developed migraines,was diagnosed with vertigo and started having petite mal seizures. It took us another 3 months to figure out that it could be the diet drinks causing all the problems. He stopped drinking them and within 4 weeks the migraines and the vertigo disappeared and now 6 years later he hasnt had another seizure. Aspartame is POISON and they still keep allowing it in food and drinks.

    • +1

      That's terrible but I'd caution saying it's a poison. It seems that your husband has a sensitivity to something in those drinks whether Asparatime, Caffiene or whatever. Just like say lactose intolerant, gluten sensitivity, or even alcohol. (I'm not a doctor)

    • +2

      thats great that the epilepsy had a reversible cause. However don't make global generalisations like aspartame is POISON

      genetic predisposition, or indeed a number of other possible predispositions can make a person have seizures when exposed to various drugs, including alcohol, sleep deprivation.

      i'm curious as to whether his neurologist thought aspartame was to blame, or whether the neurologist thought there was a definite cause.

    • +4

      No offence intended.. But why would anyone who's on a health kick drink 1 litre of coke per day (be it regular coke, diet coke or coke zero)? Glad your husband is alright now..

      • +1

        For when you get a sugar fix and you need something straight away. It doesn't make you fat like real sugar, and unlike real sugar you won't get another sugar fix again after you drink it.

        I'm sure it's bad for some people just like real sugar is bad for some people, like diabetics.

        • +2

          But 1 whole litre of coke to get a sugar fix? How can anyone who wants to be healthy drink so much coke in a day.

          • @polkadots610: Ok I agree….im not healthy but my typical day is:
            2-3 coffee's with milk
            2-3 cans of zero or max (I dont mind either)
            2-4 Ltrs of Water.
            ….this is just daytime at work….night at home more water or the odd beer or 3.

            …am I a candidate for a MAJOR health issue?

  • lol, they were giving them out at a hungry jacks in mt druitt yesterday.

  • no melbourne? No Melbourne? NO MELBOURNE?

    • they were at fed square last week for the GF live site

      • plus Melbourne's main stations are underground, making the area too crowded and the lack of space at Flinders St, the only viable station for this promo would be at Southern Cross, but they're all business people who couldn't give a rats tossbag about free coke zero.

  • it's good to see CCA giving back to the community, and free coke is one method! but yeah, great promo. hahaha.

  • Anyone know if any of the ones in sydney are still there ????

    • -1

      Yep - there's one can left, if you hurry!

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