I work part time and I do a lot of contract work on the side and I'm not sure how tax works.
My part time work is easy to do as I'm on PAYG and I get a summary but my contract work I just get paid straight to my bank account.
All my contract work I had to provide my TFN so I'm assuming there's some way for the tax office to figure out how to track everything.
I don't get super from my contract work and tax usually is not mentioned with my contract work (some employers did PAYG others did not). I don't have the numbers fully down but in total I think I'm around the 60-70k mark for the last 6 months (very rough estimate) and I know I'll need to pay some taxes but I'm not sure how exactly I do this? I used to use etax before I worked contract work but now I'm not 100% sure on how to fill it all out correctly. I also have a lot of deductions for work/travel/expenses (which I should be able to do with etax) but i'm not sure how exactly do I account for all my income or if I'm meant to leave that out and let the tax people calculate it. I want to be able to utilize as much of the tax shield as I can (yknow NPV and stuff) so I'm trying to get this all done properly.
Also does my HECS start automatically taking money out of my income even though I haven't finished uni yet? I know if I'm working part time/full time and earn over 54k my employee will automatically start taking that out of my paycheck but what about contract work? After declaring everything will they suddenly just start sending me notices telling me to pay my compulsory 4% payments?
Currently 20 y.o, third year of uni with a year and a half to go.
I've tried googling all of it but a lot of it doesn't seem specific to me for example it mentions my employers should give me a PAYG summary and that 47(?)% of my income should be withheld (https://www.ato.gov.au/business/your-workers/contractor---ch…). I don't think any of my employers other than my part time job will be providing PAYG summaries and that 47% of income being withheld doesn't seem to make sense to me.
Any information or opinions at all would be greatly appreciated.
I would have thought that if you were not on PAYG, you would need an ABN and be paid under that. Also, if you get more than $75,000; you also need to be registered for GST and should have been charging GST on your contract income.
Edit: Suggest you go see an accountant and get this sorted.